Search results

  1. Saltwater60

    Migrant crossings suddenly drop by 50%

    Why? What happened? The democrats did t get the mo why they wanted so did someone simply say stop coming so we can win the election? Sure seems like that’s the case. Oh here’s the answer we just let them in and call them legal now. Mayorkas cited a "number of actions that we have taken, not only...
  2. Saltwater60

    Europe supports Palestine state? Will the USA follow? Yikes!!
  3. Saltwater60

    Fishing spots near Letchworth State Park

    I’m heading to Letchworth this weekend for a day and meeting some friends with kids there are there any good spots for maybe 6-10 people to fish at. I’ve fished below the dam and bridge but not sure if that many people will fit there. Some younger kids as well looking for something larger. I get...
  4. Saltwater60

    Biden lies and babbles to HBUC Morehouse about white supremacy

    Funny he’s like the longest serving person in government at this point and he’s still failed at this, been president/VP for going on 12 years now and nope still hasn’t fixed what he says is wrong. Black peoples dying in the streets is bad and yet they failed to even acknowledge it in the day to...
  5. Saltwater60

    Sonoma state president on leave after agreeing with protestors not to educate Israeli students.

    Good bye.
  6. Saltwater60

    CA teacher fired for failure to follow trans policies paid $360K to settle religious claims suit

    Good for her. Should be more.
  7. Saltwater60

    US forces china to sell land I bought near missile base

    It’s about time.
  8. Saltwater60

    Biden bumps tariffs on many Chinese goods

    Funny when Biden does it it’s great but Trump did this and all they brought up is how they will retaliate and it would only hurt the USA. Funny how Biden isn’t touching any of Trumps tariffs. Also pay attention as these are all areas he has invested in to stay in office and dumped tons of money...
  9. Saltwater60

    Flux Defense Raider for Sig 320 and possibly 365

    I want to like this but I’m not sure I do. I think it’s a lot to mess with, a lot to carry, and a lot of training for a bit of an advantage but I never seen it here so I thought I’d toss it up here. It appears to be a brace system for some pistols(only 320 now) but they say they will have the...
  10. Saltwater60

    ASU fires professor for yelling at a women in a hijab

    No double standard here at all
  11. Saltwater60

    Polish farmers protest EU green poison

    We need more of this. They need to stop producing food as a protest. Yea it will suck for us for a bit but the point will be taken soon.
  12. Saltwater60

    San Francisco gives homeless people drugs and alcohol to help them I know the San Francisco chronicle article is paywalled but you all get the point.
  13. Saltwater60

    FL cops burst into wrong apartment killing a US airmen for defending his home

    Sad. Kid seemed like he was going into special forces and obviously did nothing wrong since the cops came into the wrong apartment...
  14. Saltwater60

    Joe Biden should be proud, taliban says stoning of women for adultery will return

    I wonder how he feels about this and will he continue to send them money, blackhawks, and stone to kill with?
  15. Saltwater60

    Boy Scouts of America changes name to scouting America to be more inclusive

    Makes me sick. I will no longer donate and tell them why. If Girl Scouts changes their name I’ll stop buying cookies. This crap is creeping in everywhere...
  16. Saltwater60

    13 US federal judges say they will not hire Columbia law grads

    I would hope the liberals would do the same for anyone that aligns with the pro-hamas/terrorist side. I’m sure there’s one or two good Columbia law grads left.
  17. Saltwater60

    Washington Post article on the destructiveness of the AR-15

    A large portion of fear mongering going on here. There’s a lot of animation going on here so hopefully some can see the article but here is some of the text copied and pasted. Every time I hit a picture it stops allowing me to copy. The scenes of chaos...
  18. Saltwater60

    US soldier arrested in Russia

    Either this guy is the dumbest person in the USA or something is amiss here.
  19. Saltwater60

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden
  20. Saltwater60

    Going after Judge Benitez now

    Article was paywalled so here is the copy. The federal judge who has declared multiple California gun-control laws unconstitutional was reprimanded Wednesday by a judicial panel for ordering a drug defendant's 13-year-old daughter to enter the jury box, where the judge handcuffed her and warned...
  21. Saltwater60

    Canada sets up a federal plastics registry and no this isn’t a joke. Well Canada is a joke but the registry isn’t. This might be the turning point of no return IMO. This is full on communist control.
  22. Saltwater60

    Pro-hamas protests breakout at UB with arrests

    I know we have this discussion going already about Columbia and merge them if you feel it’s appropriate but UB is in many of our backyards and I know a few have kids that go here. Pro-Palestine protestors demonstrate at UB, Buffalo State
  23. Saltwater60

    The link between voting and climate policies that cause increased costs to consumers

    If Trump can stick to this, the boarder, and the wars he will win. I’m just not sure he can. I said this about why Trump won after Biden because of what he did with coal and Biden is much more extreme. If Trump can highlight this he will do just fine. Not that Trump is our savior but he’s better...
  24. Saltwater60

    Suspected squatter shoots two in Buffalo

    Squatter, squatters everywhere these days.
  25. Saltwater60

    Biden admin makes new low income housing energy standards to get federal dollars This is great spend our and others to save people money we’re already subsiding. Essentially we get punished and taxed on our already taxed dollars to give more and more to those that pay no taxes. Makes great economic sense.
  26. Saltwater60

    NY appeals court overturns Harvey Weinstein conviction

    This is pretty crazy. He still remains in jail because he was convicted in CA. Funny how this is ruled unfair trial when he clearly did these things yet 2a defendants can’t get standing...
  27. Saltwater60

    Columbia University negotiates with terrorists and allows pro-Palestinian encampment to remain with rules

    Burn their little camps down and kick them all out of school. If these were conservatives this would not be happening and they’d be arrested.
  28. Saltwater60

    Democratic senator from Michigan arrested for burglary

    Sounds like a commie so she was simply getting her share.
  29. Saltwater60

    TN to allow teachers to carry guns in schools

  30. Saltwater60

    Biden implies his uncle was eaten by cannibals after plane crash in ww2

    Oh my. This is getting bad.
  31. Saltwater60

    Crazy police shootout with luckiest cops ever

    I have to say for the most part I think the cops did a good job. They put their lives on the line to save citizens and got the job done without anyone getting seriously hurt except the guy that should have been. The traffic stop cop is lucky for sure...
  32. Saltwater60

    Richard metcalf case against Erie county sheriff issues largest penalty ever of $95 million and could cause 29% tax increase to cover it

    I’m actually kind of pissed off about this and that my taxes might go up to cover this. There is now a hearing on punitive damages as well so I might be more. The budget is $2.2 billion so I can’t see why my taxes would rise because of this...
  33. Saltwater60

    Janet Yellen says Chinese overproduction of green goods put US and others at risk and disadvantage

    Hmm we’ve been saying this for years but it took the experts this long to figure it out. I’m impressed.
  34. Saltwater60

    You know what they say about payback. Lawsuit against BLM is allowed to proceed because BLM leader was present while cops were hurt

    Oh this could be big and a huge payback. I say let it ride and let it bankrupt them. I’m sick of us taking it on the chin and nothing coming back our way. Well this could be the tide turner.
  35. Saltwater60

    6 stabbed to death in Australia, suspect shot and killed

    This is what happens when society is weakened and made so afraid to defend themselves at all. 6 people stabbed to death wow...
  36. Saltwater60

    US government is now advancing EV reimbursements to automakers

    Blah!! Must be nice and can I get my tax return every month?
  37. Saltwater60

    Journalism preservation act in California will cause restricted access to news articles

    This is crazy and will have bad consequences.,connecting%20Californians%20to%20news%20articles.
  38. Saltwater60

    Biden saves the world by making lightbulbs more efficient
  39. Saltwater60

    Hamas leader gets Eid-Fitr holiday gift from Israel, 3 dead sons

    Want to play stupid games I guess this is what you get. The kids were involved in the terror game so I guess you get what you get and they are fair game. This will stoke the situation for sure so watch out.
  40. Saltwater60

    Switzerland found guilty of not adequately addressing climate change

    Wait, what?
  41. Saltwater60

    Some one tried to burn down Bernie Sanders office in Vermont

    People are crazy these days...
  42. Saltwater60

    Really nice compact binoculars for a good price

    I was at a hiking store and they had these so I was checking them out since I’ve been looking for a compact pair of binoculars. I’m no optics expert but I was really impressed with these and could read license plate from probably 200 or so feet away and quite clearly. I didn’t buy them there...
  43. Saltwater60

    Just booked my first fishing charter

    I’ve been tossing around the idea of doing one for the past couple years now. My son and nephew are really into fishing so I just booked one. 5 hour night trip on Lake Ontario third weekend in September for trout and salmon. Should be a good time and the fish should be shallower. A tad late for...
  44. Saltwater60

    Biden plants his money tree in Baltimore
  45. Saltwater60

    California releases more sulfuryl sulfat than the rest of the lower 48

    This is a potent greenhouse gas and they refused to include it in their environmental reporting. More do as I say not as I do.
  46. Saltwater60

    RFK says Biden much larger threat to democracy than Trump

    This could get interesting for sure.
  47. Saltwater60

    DeSantis suspends Orlando city commissioner after indictment for stealing form 96 year old Suspended by executive action.
  48. Saltwater60

    Today is the NYS primary anyone voting?

    I figure it’s kind of pointless but I probably will toss a vote in.
  49. Saltwater60

    Biden admin increases the number of EV delivery trucks on Good Friday as well

    This was no doubt done to try to hide it from the public and make it less visible. This is a good well written article detailing the issues this will create. I especially like the congestion, price increases, and how much electricity these trucks use. Not to mention the particulate pollution and...
  50. Saltwater60

    Public schools waisted COVID funding so Biden is giving them more Why not right? This is a joke and I have seen it first hand with my kids. I couldn’t tell you where any of the money went but we built a new school and put a million dollar playground in. We added lots of pretty color changing LEDs too. You know all the...