Recent content by Mr. terzmo

  1. Mr. terzmo

    coffee prices will no longer be factored into the CPI inflation data.

    Just eliminate everything that goes up. Cook the numbers. Joe will look like he wants to. Anything gone down?
  2. Mr. terzmo

    Yet another money grab by New Yorkistan

    NY definitely sucks in a lot of areas. The appeasement I get is to save the bottles and return them for 6 cents each on OMF Wednesday. I save the money during the year and spend it on Christmas. Usually around 250.00 on average.
  3. Mr. terzmo

    Police arrest grandparents of teens in fight against rising youth crime

    Back in the 50’s a family did not want to see a policeman at their house, especially if one of the siblings caused problems to warrant the policeman to be there. The Parents would be shamed and most likely soon to move as the neighbors would cease any interactions. Back then, no internet and tv...
  4. Mr. terzmo

    US soldier arrested in Russia

    You can’t fix stupid
  5. Mr. terzmo

    US soldier arrested in Russia

    My 2 cents..anyone not on orders to go to Russia..Iran..North Korea..China..or similar countries ; They are on their own and get zip for support.
  6. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    I can’t support any book or religion that supports elimination of all non believers of that “religion”. Someone should ask the protesters if they have converted to muslim and if they didn’t ; do they know the people they support want to eliminate them and all of their family. Hamas will smile at...
  7. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    I agree. When I separated from service My Supervisor said I could apply for the Bronze Star if I wrote the narrative for him to sign. It was one step higher than the commendation medals I received and was SOP to award one step higher upon discharge. I declined.
  8. Mr. terzmo

    Nancy pelosi and 16 other granted highest civilian honor by Biden

    So bidoon did another favor for his democraptic cronies. It was bound to happen as he knows he’s on the way out. I give it a “no shit sherlock” No surprise.
  9. Mr. terzmo

    Dexter Taylor Vs. New York (Bushwick Man Indicted for Illegal Possession of Ghost Guns )

    Who had a license to make firearms in the 1700’s ? Was there a “permitting office” in 1783? I’ll take a WAG here and think there was no ATF then either.
  10. Mr. terzmo

    BREAKING NEWS: Scores Killed, Hundreds Injured as Extremists Riot in Boston Area(Revolutionary War)

    The difference between then and now, using the same scenerio, is that Father’s , Brother’s, Daughter’s would be shooting at son’s, Brother’s,sister’s etc now. Not just redcoats. Anybody out there looking forward to that day?
  11. Mr. terzmo

    New York is Muslim now?

    I would not care to have the “Church” attached to the Government. Can anyone imagine what the taxes would be? Plus a lot of “mandatory” legislative actions. I like it as is. It’s voluntary…so far
  12. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Now bidoon can say “don’t do it again”
  13. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    It’s sad that our “Ally” Saudi Arabia would rather sit on their camels rather than go into Yemen and take the hooties out. I understand their thinking that they pay to have anything done because their armed forces are a farce. And of course our Government kisses their camels @ss. if Saudi would...
  14. Mr. terzmo

    Iran Attacking Israel

    Iran may find out that one does not spank the tigers @$$.