I got the TRUMP2020 serial # H001 and a TRUMP2020 golden boy for my son... both fun to shoot, haven't zeroed in completely with it, more focused on my son shooting... but didn't see any issues except... well, nvm.
Just started reading so I dont know if its been said but we don't deserve this shit. And I'm guessing you're primarily talking about the people who voted dem. But I and many others are not ready to take the blame for this shit and that idea is akin to the old "guns kill people" argument. Even...
I guess I was too nice to this guy...
You might be right and I certainly haven't seen anything to really prove what I've said, its pure speculation. Maybe I'm in denial and just not ready to give up, but it will be known either way in a couple weeks... wish I could get to DC but I dont think I'll make it.
I still have a feeling Trump has the goods. Barr dismissed the idea of special prosecutor, but it could be that they already have overwhelming evidence. The only thing I can't explain is why it's taking so long. Not ready to give up on Trump or Barr just yet.
Again Fake news networks totally avoiding the merits of the case and downplaying. When you talk to a liberal (if you know any) this is what they are working with....
Why this Texas 'election fraud' lawsuit is a total and complete joke (msn.com)
The pump rifles were too tough for my son at that age. You will be doing all the work. Even the lever action spring guns were too hard for him. My son did appreciate the increased accuracy of the pump gun over the lever. I just got him the run of the mill Daisy, there may be some out there with...
Lately, (last few weeks) I've been noticing people pulled over for traffic stops are outside of there car on a more frequent basis. On several occasions passing by I have seen officers rummaging through the vehicles while the occupants sit on the front bumper (at least once looked like they were...
80 percent lowers do not need to be serialized, but you cannot build it with the intent to sell it. A stripped receiver needs to go through an FFL, it is considered a firearm and you need a bg check- if i am wrong someone will be by shortly to call me out.
It might be some kind of feature, but I don't think its the one you are referring to. In my example above, I would be reading page 10, get to the bottom of the page and there would be the newest post on the thread- only I wouldn't realize its the newest post until I read pages 11-20 and then see...
It seems even if you are reading page 10 of 20, if someone makes a new post to page 20, it's showing on the bottom of page 10...
until you change pages...
That article is from last March.
This is the most recent I've found in my quick search.... still almost a year old... don't have much time to dig around right now.
How many ghost guns helped us defeat the British and secure our freedom? I don't see anywhere where the founders intended the government needs to make sure our arms are marked, registered, and traceable. These "leaders" couldn't care less about regulating and tracking illegal immigrants... only...