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  1. J

    NYS forces all schools to stop using Native American names and mascots

    I see articles that they are making schools with the 'Warriors' mascot change their name. But... Everyday I see a NYSDOT billboard next to I-81 that says 'be a road warrior' (trying to get people to be plow drivers). Isn't that insensitive to native Americans?
  2. J

    Attorney General James Cracks Down on Online Ammunition Sellers Illegally Shipping Ammunition to New York

    I find the AG's address to be quite ironic. From the footer of the letter: 28 LIBERTY STREET, NEW YORK, NY 10005 ● PHONE (212) 416-8446 ● WWW.AG.NY.GOV
  3. J

    Addressing gun violence continues to top agenda for Albany County Legislature

    I'll believe it when they start giving real criminals real sentences for their crimes...
  4. J

    Would this set be NY Safe?

    What do you think of it? I saw a YT video of someone shooting one and they liked it.
  5. J

    Assailant breaks into Pelosi home and attacks husband

    Apparently NOT a MAGA guy...
  6. J

    Permit cards no longer have restrictions

    There must be some sort of rule that will keep your new gun from going rogue in the next five years. I would think it would be dangerous to not have it listed in the state's DB that whole time...
  7. J

    5 People Inside Oakland Coliseum Hit by Apparent July Fourth Celebratory Gunfire I guess we're pointing AK's into the sky to celebrate now?
  8. J

    Police shut down “Iron Pipeline” gun trafficking network

    I feel so much better. Time to roll back all those new gun laws.
  9. J

    Buffalo man arrested for ghost gun, body armor, SAFE violation

    'One of the long rifles was found partially disassembled, but fit the definition of an assault weapon once reassembled.' Next up- Man with 0.0 BAC arrested at home for DWI after found to have a bottle of wine in a cabinet and car keys on a table next to the front door...
  10. J

    Summer arrives on Tuesday! But so does anthropomorphic climate change!

    "On Wednesday a third of the entire population of the United States were advised to stay indoors due to record temperatures." Where's this? The last few days it's been struggling to get to 70 deg here. It was 40 deg when I went to work a couple of days ago.
  11. J

    NY - 21 to buy and AR, and now, 21 to buy whip cream

    “The piles of used whippits in our communities are not only an eye sore but also indicative of a significant nitrous oxide abuse problem." In my experience, there are so many 'whippits' littering parking lots, it's hard see the covid masks all over the place.... What the hell does a whippit...