They are a big number of votes. Could be enough to get FUKH out of office.
This is the sign that greeted my wife and I at the Hudson Valley Garlic Festival held in Saugerties NY. I just shook my head but I guess I really shouldn't be surprised.
Update on my PA permit. I filled the application out on Sunday March 29th, my references were mailed the questionnaire ( 5 question ) and received on Thursday March 31st. I received a text and an email yesterday April 5th that my permit is ready to be picked up. Total process - 7 business days...
If memory serves correct, the last one I did took 6 weeks. I believe my judge ( you always get the same one) only does them every so often so it depends on your timing.
I thought for sure we would have to have another meeting but about 4 or 5 weeks later we both received our full carry in the mail. Not sure if that is his normal way of doing it or not but I would assume it is.
It isn't the Sheriff, it's the County. This was in place before the present Sheriff took office.
Being that it is Ulster County, your 4 references can be from anywhere ( Some Counties require references from same County only ) and can include pretty much anyone. (There are a couple of...
I am not sure about the cabin and residence, but your references DO NOT need to be from Ulster. They do not even need to be from NY and you can use relatives as well. Hope this helps and you get your answers for the other questions. You might try the Ulster County Sheriff's Pistol division for...
My wife and I both had the male McGinty. He will issue a restricted license until you engage in a class for live shooting and then will revisit. He issued full carry once we finished the class. Be prepared to wait anywhere from 4-12 weeks for an amendment. And he will always be the one to give...
This is truly sickening. Kingston has as of late been trying to surpass Poughkeepsie and Newburgh. These guys are shooting it out in broad daylight without a care (not the latest one but others). The lack of police funding is certainly not helping.
Curious if your Agency Arms trigger pinches your finger when shooting. I have put about 150 rounds through mine with this trigger and my finger is basically toast when done.
Unfortunately The sheep of NY think he is doing a great job handling Covid. I am around enough of them and just can't wrap my head around their thinking.
I have a friend that is an investigator for an insurance company. He told me a story of a guy that got a friend to rent a Uhaul, complete with full insurance and got said friend to total his car while it was parked on the street. Sometimes they get crafty, other times they really don't think...
At least two years so she can run on her own ticket twice more for a total of 10 years. And she will win because the left has figured out the voting equation.
If I am not mistaken, PR had a chance to be a state and they turned it down. I'm pretty sure it was voted on but the Gov't there is or was very corrupt and the idea was squashed.
Got a call from the NRA today. Wanted to know if I wanted to extend my membership by 5 years at a special rate. Told them I wasn't interested at this time as I am saving my money. Goes right into the next spiel asking if I wanted to do the Life Membership. Told them I would probably outlive them...
I put the Agency Arms safety trigger in mine and love it. Nice crisp break. They are out of stock again but I just kept watching their site till they had one in.
I'm just curious here. So if by chance one gets caught with more than 200 rounds in the city, would that just be a citation from the fire dept? Or is it a felony charged by police. Not my circus as I don't live in the city but just thinking out loud.
Back before all this started they were getting $.23 a round. I do know it went up but not sure now. They have prices on their website but not sure if it's been updated. If you get their yearly membership you can bring your own ammo. I plan on going in the next week or so and will update prices...
Safe Shoot has one for rent here in Ulster County in Kingston. Not sure how far away you are. Just across the border in Woodland Park NJ is Gun for Hire. I believe they have them to rent as well. I actually purchased a 365 for the wife and am now waiting for the Judge to sign off.
The City of Hudson isn't really all that bad. There is a certain area, as is the case with most cities, that you wouldn't want to be hanging around later at night of course. Lot of city people have moved up and bought a lot of these places and putting lots of money in them. This is not all good...