A poll watcher is not one of the inspectors who get paid to be there. A poll watcher watches the inspectors. Have full rights to be behind the desk and look at the books and take notes, even recording names of who votes. A list of names of those who do vote is a valuable tool.
Good observations sir. Agree with your last sentence, but if McConnell and McCarthy stay in leadership in Washington even DeSantis does not stand a chance nation wide.
My town did its job. The district I represent went 75% for Lee and 25% for beaver face devil pleaser.
My town is solid red: R won the local justice. R won the state senate. R won the state Assembly. R won the US Congress. R won the County Clerk (a big 2a supporter).
State wide stunk for sure...
Yo ho Saltwater... do you know what an absolute is?
back to the subject at hand...
Not looking good boys.... target was 35% of NYC it is at 30% right now with 84% or so in. Lee can still win, but it is uphill bigly 58 to 41 as of right now.
Thanks for the vote for Kelly Vacco, my late friend Carmen Vacco's daughter in law. Good people!
The R party leadership is way better these days that the C line. I was C line for years. Mike Long made some horrible endorsements that and personal persuasion of Carmen Vacco caused me to come home...
I do the same thing even though they all know me. I am a Republican Party pole watcher. I still love the look on the D's inspector's faces when I say, see that is not too hard.
Before I vote I note the Public Counter number on the screen and when my vote is scanned I make sure the counter went up one vote!
From the poll watchers guide:
The Public Counter appears on the scanner screen (records how many votes are cast on the machine that day) - should be at "0" at the...
Speak for YOURSELF - your absolutes absolutely STINK! There are many GREAT Republicans - Dave DiPietro in NY is one of them, all of the Freedom Caucus is Washington is great!
More negative waves from the shoot your own generals crowd! I for one am tired of it. Get out there and make a...
The PBA is a scam outfit that has ZERO to do with the boys in blue. They exist to exist PERIOD! They get paid by donations to them, so how can they be promised anything on a 2% raise on state salary?
Voting for a Democrat is stupid PERIOD - end of story! I do not even vote for the judges that...
Also with Michael Krocker just taking over a few weeks ago from Carl things are in a transition stage right now. Bad timing on that. Micheal will do a great job going forward. I will reach out to him and mention we need a better way of working with volunteers. Any ideas on that?
I posted right here where to go to help, did you two go? Honestly it was a bit over whelming trying to respond to all the requests. I was answering the phone as fast as I could on my shift Wednesday. EVERYONE who signed up to help from the rally last week was sent an email and was called by a...
I manned the main desk..... Called people between incoming calls from the list on the Rally. Basically we told people to show up at either 1900 Ridge Rd, or 3200 Elmwood and we will put you to work making calls or goign door to door. There are hours at both locations today and tomorrow. I will...
You SHOULD BE be homeschooling now already! It is not hard at all. Actually you are anyways, look how much work they send home with your kids. I will put my current 15 year old up against the best they have socially. He just played in a disc golf tournament with a bunch of older people. He was...
That list there contains some looniest loons in all the land. De Le Rosa and Nadler leadin' the pack! Actually those two make loons like like brainiacs!
Well I got news for you, your thinker is broken. HE IS GOING TO WIN!
This win in court is big:
HUGE: New York Judge Rules Fear of Covid Is NOT a Valid Reason for Absentee Ballots
She is correct, the god of this world, small g as Satan himself is called in the scriptures is the god she speaks of. She pleases him in all ways possible.
Zeldin v Hochul: RealClearPolitics moves New YORK governor race to a Toss-Up!
Welcome aboard..... I have ancestors, and many aunts, uncles, and cousins buried near Silver Springs, love that area! Many came when it was still part of Genesee County many many moons ago.
You can get some ideas on your range from this thread...
Not if you use Brave browser and its built in speed reader.
Some of the article:
POUGHKEEPSIE, N.Y. — Just a month before November’s critical midterm elections, New York has emerged from a haywire redistricting cycle as perhaps the most consequential congressional battleground in the...