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  1. FrankenCub


    Vladimir Dracula style. Insert in her fat ass straight up through her throat!
  2. FrankenCub

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I dont recall anything being mentioned about private sales.
  3. FrankenCub

    Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting leaves 2 dead, 6 injured; juvenile suspect dead
  4. FrankenCub

    Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting leaves 2 dead, 6 injured; juvenile suspect dead

    According to her boyfriend, no. Radicalized leftist feminist though
  5. FrankenCub

    F/S 1992 Harley Davidson FLHS

    Thought I'd add this here for chance. I'm buying a new bike so going to sell this and pay off my car. It's ridden almost daily, no problems. About 60k miles. Will come with extras. King Tour pack, new rotors and pads, original windscreen, original speedo and dash. $4500
  6. FrankenCub

    Madison, Wisconsin, school shooting leaves 2 dead, 6 injured; juvenile suspect dead

    Crazy leftist.... and the crazy is deep.
  7. FrankenCub

    Help me pick an SKS

    We used to buy these all day long for $50 each. An FFL buddy back in the day that offered me SKS by the case! I was a dumb ass, had I known what they'd be worth i could have had 4 cases of them packed away.
  8. FrankenCub

    Biden authorizes Ukraine to use US supplied missiles to strike inside of Russia

    There's also this one I wasnt convinced it was incoming warheads until I blew it up. On my phone it looked like a launch played backwards.
  9. FrankenCub

    Otsego man facing a mountain of felonies after house fire reveals "ghost" guns

    And Otsego Co claims to be a 2nd Amendment sanctuary. I wonder if that guy had a list of felonies before this.
  10. FrankenCub

    Otsego man facing a mountain of felonies after house fire reveals "ghost" guns

    I'm assuming someone from Gilbertsville FD, a lot of Harris signs there. Morris FD is a bunch of rednecks.
  11. FrankenCub

    Extortion! (ammo purchase - Had a laugh when I got home and looked at my receipt)

    This is a mid '70s woods beater. Finish sucks but functionally perfect. I may just paint it this spring.
  12. FrankenCub

    Extortion! (ammo purchase - Had a laugh when I got home and looked at my receipt)

    They had some Remington 260g for $60 +tax. Cheaper shit for me at those prices. Just gotta kill deer.
  13. FrankenCub

    Extortion! (ammo purchase - Had a laugh when I got home and looked at my receipt)

    No, no changes for NY. Our masters here will ignore everything. Well, no, they'll come down on us harder like they have in the past and thumb their noses at SCOTUS. Yeah fuck NY.
  14. FrankenCub

    Extortion! (ammo purchase - Had a laugh when I got home and looked at my receipt)

    I had to bend a knee to the State today. Needed a box of 444 Marlin. I went to Stix n Stones in West Winfield seems they support our American Legion Riders post. Had a laugh when I got home and looked at the receipt....
  15. FrankenCub

    Trump vows to sign CCW reciprocity bill.

    The legislation is already drafted, Congress doesn't want it and I'm damn sure Trump isn't going to urge them to pass it. I don't think any amount of prioritizing will do anything. Personally, I think our only recourse with national cc is with SCOTUS, as the 2nd is the only Right that is so...
  16. FrankenCub

    Cheaper to destroy military ammo than bring it home?

    WTF... we could have made a group buy in
  17. FrankenCub

    Trump vows to sign CCW reciprocity bill.

    Never going to happen. Bunch of talking heads on YouTube excited about it, but I'm positive the Senate won't touch it. They wouldn't last time Republicans had control. Trump saying he'd sign it means nothing if it's not drafted and put in front of him.
  18. FrankenCub

    Now the FBI says the Russians are calling in polling place bomb threats?
  19. FrankenCub

    Presidential Poll. Five choices.... 2024

    I just realized something... the cuck who votes as his wife tells him has got to be Destiny from X. IYKYK
  20. FrankenCub

    Presidential Poll. Five choices.... 2024

    I missed this poll, voted Trump early! Fuck Harris!
  21. FrankenCub

    New York Officials Consider Criminal Charges Against Big Oil

    Yeah I know, I need to learn to just keep my mouth shut. These idiots know no bounds to stupidity. It's only the stupidest shit until until the next moron wakes from a nap.
  22. FrankenCub

    New York Officials Consider Criminal Charges Against Big Oil

    That is the dumbest shit I've ever heard! I don't think this can be topped.
  23. FrankenCub

    Israel: 'State of war' declared after thousands of rockets fired from Gaza Strip

    The head of the Hamas snake has been eliminated
  24. FrankenCub

    Lethal force authorised for the Military inside the US

    That part C, under Secretary of Defense Approval, kinda reads to me use of deadly force is approved.
  25. FrankenCub

    Lethal force authorised for the Military inside the US

    "is reasonably foreseeable that providing the requested assistance may involve the use of force that is likely to result in lethal force, including death or serious bodily injury." I read "use of force likely to result in lethal force" as firearms. Maybe I'm reading too much into it?
  26. FrankenCub

    Trump sentencing

    I unfollowed her a while ago, most of her shit is looney. I've seen it a couple others posts so got me questioning it.
  27. FrankenCub

    Trump sentencing

    I messaged Daton on FB, he hasn't heard anything in his guard unit. It may just be internet BS. I havent seen it from sources i usually follow yet.
  28. FrankenCub

    Trump sentencing

    Yeah I don't trust much from Laura Loomer either but it isn't the first I've heard of this. I'll keep an eye out for more on X.
  29. FrankenCub

    Trump sentencing

    So with the sentencing coming up I've been seeing posts on X about being sent directly to Riker. Today Laura Loomer posted that she's hearing NY national guard is being posted in hotels in the area getting ready for the sentencing because NYPD is thought to going to have a mass blue flu in...
  30. FrankenCub

    Shots at AF base Texas

    I'll take Mohameds then. I'll play the odds they are switching it up poking at bases now there's more of them here.
  31. FrankenCub

    Shots at AF base Texas

    Surprised you guys didn't pick up on this. Testing our responses....
  32. FrankenCub

    I guess the civil war in UK is kicking off.

    The report I seen said the guy was a "forigner". Video certainly looked like the usual aloha snackbar subject.
  33. FrankenCub

    Map Shows Which States Own the Most Guns

    But everyone else lost theirs in boating accidents. Why do you think we're supposed to take a boating course now?
  34. FrankenCub

    Dovetail plate for P99AS?

    That got me looking in the right place. Found these... Found an article on another one, really nicely done, pricy...
  35. FrankenCub

    Dovetail plate for P99AS?

    Ok, figured you may have played with these already.
  36. FrankenCub

    Dovetail plate for P99AS?

    So I got a Holosun EPS recently, is there a dovetail adaptor plate for a P99AS? I ca t use a standard plate due to the P99 having a decocker. @Darth ,you see anything?
  37. FrankenCub

    Police trade in pistols?

    My first 9mm was a NYPD trade in G19. I'm assuming it's been in some interesting situations. By appearance it's been skidded down the road and used as a blunt force weapon lmao. Functionally it was perfect lol.
  38. FrankenCub

    I guess the civil war in UK is kicking off.

    I'm not religious but I do have a Templar flag I may start flying.
  39. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    Water tower is wrong trajectory for any of the shots.
  40. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    I love to see people loose their job! You fuck up.... do better
  41. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    Lmao... Mr Fallon from Texas hammered her
  42. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    No, did not have angle to that roof
  43. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    No answers, deflect deflect deflect
  44. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    I read about this yesterday. Had I not seen a random movie a few months ago I wouldn't have thought twice about this. Now knowing what I do, this screams of being planned.
  45. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    If it were a well trained shooter, we'd be having a completely different conversation.
  46. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    They were up till 3am making this after getting a call that this happened...
  47. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    Wonder if there's any truth to this
  48. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    Don't remember exactly, no longer have the gun, was a sub $200 used Vortex. I can't afford really good glass lol. When I originally bought it, was a tossup between 220 swift and 22-250. Price won out.
  49. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    Read earlier he's registered republican to undercut votes in primaries. Same as many here do
  50. FrankenCub

    President Trump shot

    22.250 That's my limit, I don't think I could do further with any rifle lol Haven't tried the 6.5 yet