Hate to break it to everyone but unless the Supreme Court decrees that the whole country become constitutional carry nothing will ever change in NYS. The politicians in this state know they can get away with anything as they have been infringing on residents rights since 1911 and with every new...
I understand and know how messed up the whole process is in NYS with coupons (aka permission slip) etc. That being said.....
You can recertify a license without owning any firearms......I have a family member who has a CCW but has never purchased or owned a handgun...they got the license just...
I am well aware of the rifle permit and thankfully that does not affect me as I am all stocked up on rifles and ammo. Back to the original question can someone reference the law stating all handguns must be registered?
I am a NYS resident but will soon be splitting my time between NY and FL. I never got a NY CCW or Premise permit as the thought of "registering" handguns with NYS is not something I can accept. I have been fine with just having rifles and shotguns for home defense.
What everyone has mentioned...
Question for dual residents. If you have a Florida CCW and a NYS premises permit can you keep your handguns legally purchased in FL in your house in NY?
Not the same...the NYS police can arrest a NY resident in state. As far as I know they can’t go and arrest someone out of state especially for something like this.
What legal fees? Just ignore anything NYS sends you if you are an out of state business. What is Tish going to do send the NYS Troopers out of state to arrest someone?
Considering getting a premises permit. I am out on the east end of suffolk.
Question is do you still need permission every time you want to buy a new pistol and does the pistols get recorded to your permit like on a CCW?
Get another carbine, a couple of Mini-14’s and a couple of 10/22’s. I would also reccommend a couple of semi auto shotguns, a Beretta 1301 and a Benelli M4 or M2.
Police enforcement is one thing, the issue is that FFL's won't be able to sell a simple semi auto rifle to any one. That may be ok for those of us that have all the rifles we need or for those willing to purchase out of state but how about someone new to firearms?
You cannot have more than one drivers license. That is federal law and states check to see if you have a license in another state before issuing a drivers license. Additionally you can have only one Real ID document. That said it seems there is no law stopping someone from having one drivers...
I agree that constitutional carry should be in place in all 50 states. But even in a free state like Florida they have CCW permits yet they are may issue and they issue them quickly. I could live with a setup like Florida’s here in NY.
This to me is the biggest issue in NYS. There should be no license requirement to purchase and own any sort of firearm whether that be a pistol, rifle, shotgun etc. This to me is the biggest and most obvious infringement. If you can pass a background check you should be able to walk in to a...
Agree that a license issued at the same time you pass a background check while unnecessary would not be an infringement. The current setup is as much an infringement as can possibly be. I truly wish you the best of luck and hope you can bring down the states house of cards.
Interesting take about a license to only “posses” and not ccw maybe being Constitutional, while I a non lawyer would disagree.
That said I fully agree with you on your other points. I for instance could easily get a NYS license but the hassle of doing so along with the whole process of having...
Thrilled to hear you are challenging the licensing requirement in general. As you said any license requirement to purchase and keep a handgun in a home is unconstitutional. Let’s hope you are the rainmaker that gets the whole licensing scheme in NY thrown out.
Sounds like you are challenging the fact that to purchase a handgun for home and target use requires a license. If so then bravo to you. A license to ccw is one thing (although it should be easy like say in FL), but no license should be required to purchase a handgun. It should be just like...
As an attorney what is your take on the fact that a permit is still required to even purchase a hand gun for home use? My take on the decision is that while a shall issue permit for concealed carry is still allowed that a permit to purchase and possess is unconstitutional.
I skimmed through the whole decision and to me it seems like while they are clear that "shall issue" licensing for concealed carry is allowed (as in 43 other states) the current NYS scheme of licensing to even purchase a handgun is unconstitutional and should be null and void. You should be...