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  1. B

    Cuomo vs. Nixon Debate

    Thank you Defilade for posting the debate video. Personally I want Nixon to lose the primary & run as a 3rd party candidate & then lose the Governor spot. I so badly want Cuomo to lose & TRY a run against DT. After the unSAFE Act I would love to see him get his ass whipped badly.
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    Despite Comey Assurances, Vast Bulk of Weiner Laptop Emails Were Never Examined

    So what will sessions do about it? Nothing!
  3. B

    Montana Governor Comes Out In Support Of Assault Weapon Ban

    Whatever. Not planning to move there anyway.
  4. B

    Montana Governor Comes Out In Support Of Assault Weapon Ban

    Being blue in a red state.
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    67% Disagree With Cuomo About America’s ‘Greatness’

    Here's the breakdown. Need to work on the 16% undecided. The latest Rasmussen Reports national telephone and online survey finds that 67% of Likely U.S. Voters disagree with Cuomo’s statement. Seventeen percent (17%) agree, while just as many (16%) are undecided.
  6. B

    Chris Collins indicted

    I noticed. Monkeyface is looking more like a socialist with all his giveaways.
  7. B

    Cuomo seeks to enlist other governors from around the country in his fight with NRA

    He will only get coastal states support. If they succeed in winning the lawsuit does it mean we have no liability insurance? Of course someone will provide it at a higher cost. So where does it leave you after a legal shoot? Broke & destitute? This is what Cuomo wants for you. Come out & vote in...
  8. B

    Lisa Page Won't Comply

    These above the law people will stretch this out until after the mid terms hoping the Dems will win & sweep it all away.
  9. B

    Sign THIEF nailed by GPS attached to sign - declares he is INNOCENT

    Why put yourself in jeopardy? Next time call the Police & let them search the premises & do the questioning.
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    NRA Challenges Andrew Cuomo in Court

    I agree. My only point is that Cuomo may get his ass handed to him with his BS lawsuit against the NRA. Any victory against him is a win win for all of us. Chip away at them like they do to our 2A rights
  11. B

    NRA Challenges Andrew Cuomo in Court

    Everyone's gripes about the NRA & NYSRPA are legit. My complaint is with Dean Skelos. Like it or not Cuomo, Bloomberg & the other anti's put together a powerful bill that holds up in this liberal State. The NRA lawsuit, to me, has a great argument & that is . Suppressing speech & retaliating...
  12. B

    Why has this detention news suddenly flipped every Democrat into full retard?

    Don't discount the snake Schumer. He stays in the background handing out the grenades.
  13. B

    Democrats’ Border Separation Bill Would Let Nearly All Parents Who Commit Federal Crimes Get Off Sco

    a designated agency shall be prohibited from removing a child from his or her parent or legal guardian at or near the port of entry or within 100 miles of the border of the United States” Don't the clowns know that if you come thru at a port of entry the children stay with you? If you cross...
  14. B

    From the NY teachers newspapers.

    The head of the union may be putting the teachers in jeopardy if there are no firearms in the house. Maybe it's an alcohol or opioid problem. Sorry, I just gave azzhole a few more ideas. If there is a lawsuit against the accuser will the union pay all expenses.
  15. B

    Do you support marijuana legalization?

    I'm not voting. I consider the poll typically vague. I do support the use of medical marijuana in a controlled atmosphere. I don't support recreational use of marijuana for anyone at anytime or place.
  16. B

    Cuomo taking bus to push for 'red flag' gun control bill

    He should drive his yellow school bus thru the Bronx and confiscate the guns used in drive by shootings. Hopefully that yellow school bus attracts National coverage so the mid section sees what what they're in for.
  17. B

    NY Governor Blows Off Due Process With Latest Anti-Gun Proposal

    What goes around comes around! Teachers have kids too.
  18. B

    Cuomo thinks your kids teacher should be able to seize your guns.

    Cuomo's playbook is from Hitlers youth. Spy on your parents & turn them in.
  19. B

    19th Cent. Tech: Cuomo Laments: TX School Shooting "Doesn't Set Up Great for Gun Debate"

    I agree but it does not fit their agenda. Personally I think they like school shootings so they can go forward with the masked intentions of gun confiscation. With that I believe FUAC is in the forefront.
  20. B

    Your kids DNA is on record in nys.

    Can this database be used to search for someone in a family that committed a crime?
  21. B

    NRA File Suit Against FUAC!

    I would think the same holds true for auto insurance. If you are DWI/DUI & found guilty of vehicular homicide then all expenses wouldn't be covered?
  22. B

    Parkland Student Calls For Confiscation Of All Semi-Automatic Firearms

    Semi autos first then everything else. The left will stop at nothing until all firearms are gone.
  23. B

    Migrant CARAVAN coming ? NOT ANY MORE. Trump wins again !!

    I heard that the caravan is being funded & directed by a group in San Diego, California. If this is true why doesn't our useless AG Sessions charge them with something? Seems to me they are encouraging the caravan to attack the United States.
  24. B

    NY "asault ammo" ban

    Can the OP give more info please? What did you find out, where did you see it, hear it or how long ago? If you read it then post it.
  25. B

    Cuomo Urges Elia to Look Into Any Discipline from Walkouts

    Tiananmen Square comes to mind.
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    NRA Files lawsuit

    I'm rooting for the NRA. I hope Scott gets his ass kicked. That's what he gets for listening to the students.
  27. B

    Cuomo fears Russian interference in governor’s race

    Cuomo is delusional! The Russians already know he will take away our firearms.
  28. B

    Two SWAT Officers Suspended for Rushing to Help at Florida School Shooting

    Since when does LE need permission to react to a crime being committed? The Sheriff's Department needs a thorough investigation.
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    Republican leader wants to get Cuomo a new plane

    Stay alive, don't fly with FUAC.
  30. B

    Journalist kept quiet about photo of Obama with Nation of Islam Leader

    Hopefully everything about this fake will come out. I want to know when he went to college what was his name and how was he funded? Did he give up anything for this?
  31. B

    NY taxpayers built $90M factory in DeWitt for firm that walked away, didn't create a job

    This is what happens when you have idiots negotiating contracts, etc.. FUAC is an azzhole & Eric won't do a thing about it.
  32. B

    Trump Gives the Middle Finger to Obama and the UN

    Obama tried to "fundamentally change America" and President Trump gave him the finger. One finger represents millions of us. Keep it up.
  33. B

    Hypothetical questions if HR 38 passes

    I hear you. I'm curious how a Nassau LE would handle this if he asks you to step out of the vehicle and discovers you are carrying?
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    Hypothetical questions if HR 38 passes

    I agree that the State makes the law but the County puts the restrictions. If your covered by that County then you make the call anyway you want.
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    Hypothetical questions if HR 38 passes

    Whatever. My only point was to point out the info in the handbook. Everyone makes a choice based on what they know as fact.
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    Hypothetical questions if HR 38 passes

    The LE that makes the stop gets to make the call. After your lawyer and much dollars you may win. So if you are legal why wouldn't you do whats written and inform the LE?
  37. B

    Hypothetical questions if HR 38 passes

    ***************************************************************** I don't know which County your located in but in Nassau you HAVE to inform the officer. This copy is the last page (44) & last paragraph in their revised 9/2017 hand book. I don't want anyone to get in trouble because of wrong...
  38. B

    How did Obama divide us?

    To add to all above. Obama put the male/pedophile into the ladies room.
  39. B

    LAC and AF vet arrested by NYPD for transporting gun

    This is why we need National Reciprocity. What a scumbag the husband is.
  40. B

    New regulations fortify New York City as immigration sanctuary

    DiBlassio & the City Council should show the Feds how serious they are. Take back that terrorist MF'er from the FBI & refuse to hand him over.
  41. B

    Constitutional Convention

    I will vote no. If there is a CC too much BIG money will influence the Delegates. Coming to mind is a Cuomo Bloomberg coalition. Look what Bloomie has been doing across the states with the most recent elections and anti gun agenda.
  42. B

    Cuomo Returns To Puerto Rico

    They are Americans and need approval of the Feds. This azzhole gets away with it because of our shithead NY politicians. Just like they kissed his azz with the SAFE Act.
  43. B

    Anyone listen to Hannity radio show today?

    So? Who didn't know that the Clinton Foundation got a big payout for keeping it quiet? I think the only one that didn't know was Comey. I guess it didn't rise to 6' 8 inches.
  44. B

    Hillary Clinton Goes on Tonight Show To Promote Gun Control

    That's the problem. Don't sell this B short. A Federal Prosecutor should be assigned to investigate the E mail scandal, Benghazi, Etc.. Trump is making a big mistake letting her run loose. Every time she goes on the air she picks up supporters.
  45. B

    Voter Fraud in NH, over 5000 questionable votes

    Voter ID will stop all the BS. The Dems want us to think that it is a hardship to have people register. People do register for Government programs don't they?
  46. B

    RINO Ryan...Blocking CC Reciprocity

    According to the article Ryan doesn't think the time is right. Is this a BS delaying tactic? What do you think he is waiting for?
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    Hillary Clinton is about to cash-in on her election loss

    This B is not down & out. She is starting to add to her accumulation of money. She figures why not. The FBI hasn't bothered me.
  48. B

    Trump impeachment watch

    If impeachment happens will it drive Trump supporters underground? Will it imperil freedom of speach?
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    New York Gov. Calls For Removal of Confederate Names From NYC Streets

    The next thing that our resident asshole will order is that all Confederate names be redacted from all history books in NYS schools.