Here is my list:
Ammo - lots of them 9mm and .223/5.56
Glock 48 - this fit nicely in my hand
Glock 44 - just for fun at the range
AR 15 - already have a lower, going to get a nice premium upper.
Upgrade current AR - trigger and maybe barrel
I took my NY Handgun Safety class in May 2021 and the instructor told us that you can only have 10+1 at the range. Outside of the range over 7 is illegal.
AO Precision Premium Nitride Bolt Carrier Group - HPT/MPI
I ordered the BCG above, but it doesn't list what caliper. Is it comparable to my build AR-15 5.56/.223 caliber?
I selected the above items mainly because someone recommended them on this thread or from my research. Also because of parts availability and on-sale too.
What make you said that? Should I cancel the order?
Here are the parts that I ordered so far:
Rock River Arms Complete Lower Parts Kit with (Two-Stage National Match Trigger)
Magpul MOE Stock + 6 Position Buffer Tube Kit - Black (Commercial)
AO Precision Premium Nitride...
Because of parts scarcity, I have hard time find all the parts that I need.
What do you think if I get a kit something like this.
Thanks again for all your inputs and comments,
Thank you all for inputs and comments.
I'll use it mainly for range shooting and hopefully never have to use it for home defense.
It is going to be black carbine rifle.
I need help put together a list of components for a fixed mag AR-15.
I just bought couple Aero Precision AR15 Gen 2 Stripped Lower Receivers from Gander. I'm going to build a fixed mag now, and may be a featureless later. I never build an AR-15 or own a gun before. So this is going to...
I'm looking to build my first ARs. 1 featured and 1 featureless. I would love to take these if they are still available.
1. (1) AR-15 generic charging handles - right handed (one gone)
8. (1) AR Stoner safety selector switch
9. (1) AR Stoner magazine release assembly
Thank you,