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  1. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Yeah Saratoga springs is a bit far. I’ll look into Long Island island. Thank you.
  2. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Oh yeah looking forward to shooting it. anybody know of any good ranges within a couple hours of nyc?
  3. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    When I picked up my scr yesterday I was talking with one of the guys at the store and I asked why there wasn’t one site where I could get a thorough list of what’s legal and he said that the gun laws are in place to be ambiguous. Take from that what you will.
  4. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Which is a better rifle the mini-14 or mini-30. I Haven’t shot either But I’ve heard that the 30 misfires a lot
  5. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Where exactly can I find this mysterious list of prohibited features other than 5 round max.
  6. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    I’m assuming I could also own a mini 30 if I wanted a larger caliber?
  7. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Yep I think about moving out often. Unfortunately all the rich city slickers messed up the upstate housing market so I can’t afford to move.
  8. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    I saw a fight lite for sale at a Ling island gun store. How does your fightlite SCR shoot?
  9. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Got it. Ranch model mini 14 here I come. Mak44, and yes I got stopped by an unmarked cop car for my bench made knife. Didn’t matter to the cops that I’m a carpenter and use my knife for work. Lucky you get off with a warning for that one.
  10. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    And if you didn’t know, slingshots and bb guns also illegal in NYC.
  11. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    So any rifle with a magazine with max 5 rounds in NYC N.Y.S. law is 7 rounds max in a 10 round magazine? Suppose the state trusts it’s citizens more than the big apple does?
  12. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Thanks for the info. I can’t seem to find a simple list of legal vs. illegal specs other than the assault rifle ban and max 5 rounds. No carbines or PCC’s I guess. Is 5+1 for a shot gun considered 6 rounds? Could I get a mini 14 without a muzzle break and a 5 round clip to make it nyc legal...
  13. Mikeybk

    NYC legal rifles/shotguns

    Just got my rifle/shotgun permit and I’m unpleasantly surprised by the limitations box what I can legally own in nyc. does anybody know if I can legally own a Ruger mini 14 , ranch rifle. Also does anybody know if the Beretta 1201fp shotgun is nyc legal? any info would be helpful.