I'm on no hurry.I say bring it on! The great reset, that is...
That would require actual intelligence beyond the opinion driven horseshit passed off as "Journalism" that comes from the Offices of Elected half-wits whose biggest concerns are getting re-elected and who they can fuck for either personal or financial gain.... The shit-stains remind me of Televangelists who insist the only way to Heaven is through them (with indulgences paid of course).It seems every time the nation swings a little to the right the left looses it's collective shit and riots.
"Civil war" would imply the minority party is engaging in violence as an insurrection mechanism.
Some people need to improve their writing skills.
The entitled need some space to have their tantrum.
So proud of my representative.
They will be running for the COG, continuity of government, bunkers.If there was to be one it would be happening right now.... As much as they have destroyed this country over the last few years.. The fact that we have not had one speaks volumes about our restraint. Now what the left will pull is another question. They already have tried to overthrow a sitting president. .. Some would call it an attempted coup. I can see the left attempting to start one. . (a civil war ) that is. Perhaps we could get lucky and the folks down in Washington would be leading the charge.
Well, he is a Congressman....so.....He's an idiot.
Hey! That's my representative.He's an idiot.
They will be running for the COG, continuity of government, bunkers.
From the comment section... posted above...