What do you expect when it's a court full of Schumers?So we now live in a country where nobody can even DECIDE who gets in or not.
Why not somthing more effective like knives or napalm?If there were ever a time I wish I could unapologetically make it rain big rubber dicks on select people, it would be now, lol.
Time to buck the fuck up people! We can stop it be, it by the pen or the sword if necessary.Folks the United States is the middle of a giant radical change. The foundational laws that United States were built on are no longer respected or believed in.
It's a mass movement that I don't think we can stop.
I just like to ask them one question. When do I have a right to defend my right?
Yup as far as anyone knows thats true.Unbelievable and I can't own a 30rd magazine and have a pistol grip on a modern sporting rifle
Its the only path left. Sherman's march to the sea is what I want to see.I do honestly think that at some point we are going to find ourselves in the Civil War. We as a nation are split.
Tried for treason I say.So people who don't live here have "rights" that super cede my rights as a citizen. These 3 judges, the traitors, need to be shipped to one of those 7 countries in the ban.
Unfortunately, not really.UN-FUCKING-BELIEVABLE!
Doc that is a question I would love to have brought to the Supreme Court. Once and for all I really want to know where does the United States stand on that exact issue.So people who don't live here have "rights" that super cede my rights as a citizen. These 3 judges, the traitors, need to be shipped to one of those 7 countries in the ban.
So we now live in a country where nobody can even DECIDE who gets in or not.