I disagree. The marxist Democrats will never regret getting power.
The Dems could care less if our economy implodes on their watch. They'll just blame "#nottheirpresident" and the media will cover for them and push the narrative. None of it matters the Dems just want to consolidate power by hook or by crook.
I fully expect (and pray) for complete gridlock the next 4 years if in fact biden manages to steal the election which I expect will happen. The Democrats always get away with this so this won't be any different.
The demographics are changing and IMO 2020 is the last real chance for a republican president. If you think this election was tough to win even with our sides very high turnout, 2024 and 2028 will be even harder to win.
If they are able to steal the election now when they only control the House, what’s to stop them going forward when they control the presidency (incl DOJ) and the senate in the future?
If Trump and the GOP let them steal this election I don’t think it’s hyperbole to say our system of government is over and we will become a socialist banana republic. When you can stuff the ballot boxes to get your desired result democracy is dead.