I read a lot of articles on making bio-diesel correctly a few years ago. It's really not that hard, just takes some time, equipment, and a couple easy to aquire chemicals.anyone know how to make Biodiesel, I think Im going to need that in the near future.
This is no longer about "green energy" this is an experiment by the left to see how far they can push the middle class into poverty, until the shooting starts.
punishment ~~~ FIFYThe incredible transition tomissery.
Biden has admitted he meant what we said during the campaign -- he intended to cripple "legacy-style" energy production and all the wokesters bought into it. The problem is that all these "greener" solutions are not answers; they are unreliable because you can neither control the wind or cloud cover and what's worse is that constructing them requires energy which you haven't generated yet and materials that are in fact made from oil and various things we dig out of the ground -- which also requires oil.
Lol...Junk!and you still have all the plastic parts on the EV car .. made from OIL .. LOL ..
i just seen a video on a Tesla car changing the air filter .. its glued into the plastic housing .. they want you to replace the whole assembly .. LOL .