20×102mm Vulcan
President Biden says White supremacists are the greatest domestic terror threat in the US: "It's complex, it's wide-ranging and it's real." #BidenTownHall
Anyone opposed to the globalist socalist one world government is a racist, white supremacist, misogynist, xenophobe.I do not agree to the words said, but....
I believe that the vast majority of what I would term as Patriots are indeed Veterans. He wants to call those that love the United States as racists and White Supremacists? That is his business.
With all tyrannical governments the main stay of the military was not trusted. The Roman's kept their armies constantly deployed. The Germans formed the SS to keep an eye on the generals and officers. Stalin had his secret police and political officers implanted in military units. Even Cuomo has his inner circle of state police protecting him. I'm waiting for the DNC to form a two tier military system to layer itself from the citizens.
I’ve been saying similar since this POS became the front runner for POTUS . Everything biden has done up to this point is absolutely nothing more than O’bammy land 2.0 . This real live walking zombie who calls himself president of this United States hasn’t had an original thought since birth.The association with so called White Supremacists and Domestic Terror was initiated by the Obama administration and appears to be revisited here and looking like they want to pump it up a bit! Obama and even Clinton just prior to the 16' election started spewing garbage that the NRA could be classified as supporting terrorism!
Of course all the while ignoring the MS13 and other GANG criminal enterprises in the U.S.
Follow the bouncing ball...
If the country was under such a threat, how then does these mental midgets explain the supposed terroristic thread allowing the ½ Black POTUS to survive two terms? It's nothing but a bunch of bullshit, but it's an easy hot button verbage to elicit a prescribed response!