Exactly.Sad to say but no one's putting that Genie back in the bottle ever again!
HUGE BOMBSHELL TOMORROW!!!1!!!!1!!1!!!one!!!!!eleven!!!!I'll believe it when I see it. All talk. The Rs that aren't RINOs are in a small minority and this will go nowhere
Yeah, I'm not impressed. The letter basically just stated that they expect to receive the info they have previously requested. There will be more feet dragging I suspect. It would be nice if Congress would remove the ability of these agencies to "rule make". I'd much rather see their rule making ability reduced to simply inform and advise.
I've seen too many youtube vids like this.HUGE BOMBSHELL TOMORROW!!!1!!!!1!!1!!!one!!!!!eleven!!!!
So, the bureaucrats that previous congresses empowered to control all the guns are now telling a new congress to take a hike by not complying and the new congress is sending letters telling the bureaucrats that control all the guns they better comply.... or what?? They'll get more letters??
When branches of government willfully defy each other to the extent they do today, our country is on borrowed time. Congress has no means of enforcing its will without the co-operation and lawful observance of bound duty by the other branches. Same for SCOTUS.
Our Executive Branch's tyranny is growing beyond the control of the co-branches and its leader acts more like a dictator every day. It has no incentive to control its own bureaucrats because they help further its own power in opposition to the co-branches, States and the people. If our State governments do not start standing up (many won't), the last and final check is we the people.
THIS is the REASON for SHALL NOT be infringed.
Sadly for us FUKH has bigger ballsI did say they were men. I just said they had the power.
They have very small tiny nat size balls.