That would take political will, we know Chicago politicians gain nothing by stopping the murder wave.Of course they can be stopped.
The politicians can be targeted along with the gangbangers then.That would take political will, we know Chicago politicians gain nothing by stopping the murder wave.
How so?Why would they stop them It creates great revenue $$$$ cash cow
How so?
Funny that with all the political circus nobody is asking a very serious question..
how is the war on drugs, gangs and cartels working out?
That is the real cancer that is eating away the cities and nobody has the cojones to talk about that.
They don't even have to be well trained Tier One operators. One company sized group of average gun owners and a 3 day course on basic tactics would do the job.Can't be stopped?
Because they don't want to stop them for fear of being called racist.
As @Criticalt said, 50 Rangers, some SEALS or any group of SF operators could neutralize those gangs for good. They allow these gangs to grow like tumors and then cry when "nothing can be done". Another alternative? Quietly evacuate all the non gang bangers and silently deploy MOABs over the afflicted area. The gang infestation should be eradicated at that point. Eventually, we will become just like the squalid hellholes in central America where the gangs run everything and the government is powerless.
Take every recidivist criminal and grind them down into dog food. Problem should go away in short order.
Because Obama perpetuated it and amplified it. Had he of not done what he did the last few years we would not be in this situation.Sending in any "military, or a government agency" isn't going to sit well with a whole slue of folks. Who'd be next, what city? Getting the "good people" out, just who/what determines what the criteria is for this?
What/when does it stop?
Surgically implanted groups of Militia types on their own with backing from like minded people, might have a chance.
Just doing my crystal ball type thing, here.........