Always hate listening to people argue, but through it I got that anything Clinton people want to hear they'll tune into CNN for and Trump people will tune into Fox News. It's all garbage as far as I'm concerned, she was definitely right saying that people will surround themselves with what they want to hear because the truth is usually too hard to bear.
Actually, what she said, I agree with totally.
My support for Trump is about Love of Country, Not the NWO. My support of sovereignty and not One World Government. My support will be a big fat middle finger to the CNN interviewer and her cohorts who are THE problem and are also cockroaches and vermin! THERE I said it.
Can - will - Trump change it if elected. Who knows. BUT I am against everything that the Democrats stand for and their lemmings in the media who live in a world full of Unicorns and Rainbows. So for me. I will flip the lever for Trump with my middle finger. If only to see Don (Hands up Don't Shoot) Lemon turn pale or Chris Cuomo choke on indignation November 9th. Call it a Revolt Vote!
Deal with it liberal bitches.