Blog: Trump 'very happy' with bill outlawing future border wall
Nothing in This Budget Deal is Defensible, But Sean Spicer Gave It a Shot
Hayward: Who Needs the 'Resistance' When You've Got the GOP Writing the Budget? - Breitbart
The Daily 202: Eight ways Trump got rolled in his first budget negotiation
I say yes; unless he vetoes it outright, or uses a case of Sharpies on "line item vetoes".
Nothing in This Budget Deal is Defensible, But Sean Spicer Gave It a Shot
Hayward: Who Needs the 'Resistance' When You've Got the GOP Writing the Budget? - Breitbart
The Daily 202: Eight ways Trump got rolled in his first budget negotiation
I say yes; unless he vetoes it outright, or uses a case of Sharpies on "line item vetoes".