FBI Agents Say Comey 'Stood In The Way' Of Clinton Email Investigation
Nov 8, 2016 #1 Dr. Evil 20×102mm Vulcan Messages 36,797 Reaction score 78,495 Location My Underground Lair FBI Agents Say Comey 'Stood In The Way' Of Clinton Email Investigation
Nov 9, 2016 #2 Blimey .450/400 Nitro Ex Messages 11,258 Reaction score 16,240 Location Western NY It's hard to be mad at lovable Comey given what has happened this evening.
Nov 9, 2016 #3 C3D .308 Win Messages 4,856 Reaction score 8,782 Location Behind Enemy Lines Hillary for Prison
Nov 9, 2016 #4 SigLady .357 mag Messages 678 Reaction score 777 Location Upstate, darling. Hillary and Comey for prison! And Huma, and Loretta Lynch... and, who else? Bill. Anthony Weiner. That guy who admitted helping Democrats throw previous elections! Ooooh. It's like a shopping spree!
Hillary and Comey for prison! And Huma, and Loretta Lynch... and, who else? Bill. Anthony Weiner. That guy who admitted helping Democrats throw previous elections! Ooooh. It's like a shopping spree!
Nov 9, 2016 #5 H holdover .475 A&M Magnum Messages 16,088 Reaction score 23,611 Location occupied NY Comey stood in the way? Not anymore mother fucker. You just seven'ed out .
Nov 9, 2016 #6 Drinkthekoolaid .475 A&M Magnum U.S. Military Messages 15,574 Reaction score 27,432 Location Unfortunately, NY Prosecute her!!!! Woot woot! Let's go trumpster!!
Nov 9, 2016 #7 Phauxtoe .338 Win Mag Messages 7,011 Reaction score 6,552 Location Rockland Comey was getting roasted from all sides is my guess, but thats the job, do Your Job!
Nov 9, 2016 #8 Deplorable Me .700 Nitro Express Messages 24,378 Reaction score 47,618 Location Western Front; Occupied NY That poor bastard not only bet on the wrong horse, he bet on a mule.