Spyderco Ikuchi:
The unavailability of guns, ammo and related accessories has rekindled my interest in blades. What with the unrelenting wave of terrible news I decided to partake in a little retail therapy and I figured I was overdue for a new Spyderco. I just went to their site and searched for compression lock models, once I clapped eyes on the Ikuchi I immediately bought one.
It's really my kind of blade, sleek and elegant and very stabby/slicey. I am also quite find of the new front flipper style. It is a ball bearing pivot so the action is fast and smooth. The Bic Flick opening method is amusing, if a little awkward. It looks small bit its actually a good sized blade, over 3.5".
I think I will keep this one away from my work duties and save it for carry while out and about.

Ikuchi™ - Spyderco, Inc.
The ultra-slim Spyderco Ikuchi is a radically different approach to pocketknife form and function. Designed by Paul Alexander, a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering and a lifelong knife enthusiast, the Ikuchi (pronounced ee-koo-chee and named after a mythical ...

The unavailability of guns, ammo and related accessories has rekindled my interest in blades. What with the unrelenting wave of terrible news I decided to partake in a little retail therapy and I figured I was overdue for a new Spyderco. I just went to their site and searched for compression lock models, once I clapped eyes on the Ikuchi I immediately bought one.
It's really my kind of blade, sleek and elegant and very stabby/slicey. I am also quite find of the new front flipper style. It is a ball bearing pivot so the action is fast and smooth. The Bic Flick opening method is amusing, if a little awkward. It looks small bit its actually a good sized blade, over 3.5".
I think I will keep this one away from my work duties and save it for carry while out and about.
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