20×102mm Vulcan
Lara Logan — ‘Biden is preparing for an attack on U.S. soil’…
downright scary what Lara said in the last 25 seconds
Lara Logan — ‘Biden is preparing for an attack on U.S. soil’…
downright scary what Lara said in the last 25 seconds
You know your talking about the same people who blew up a bunch of people indiscriminately including children with a drone to have the optics of a win for a news cycle or two, knowing nobody in the establishment media would care when the truth came out (C'mon man! That was 4 days ago!)....
I think Biden wanted to look good humanitarian wise since the military fuckup was bad. I think he might get democratic voters out of this, maybe. I don't think he's up to something specifically nefarious. Hell, he doesn't even know where he is half the time!
Instituted in me by my father, I have been thinking critically for a very, very, long time.e have to start thinking about this critically
Well said.In reality a bunch of knee jerking politicians and liberals created this situation by pushing ideals and agendas that can never be fulfilled at the risk of creating a huge crisis with neighbor countries and border states.
Also do not underestimate the power of Interest groups, countries and organizations (even cartels) to take leverage on the opportunity given by the crisis. It is not fair to Americans, border towns on both sides, border personnel and those migrants themselves.
Biden doesnt remember what day of the week is or what he had for breakfast let alone any border crisis.
... Challenging times...
Then the FBI can start rounding up deplorablesOf course he is, after importing non vetted military age males under the guise of evacuation of our partners and allies he is hoping for car bombs in the streets of our cities.