.450/400 Nitro Ex
Do you want your vote to count in NYS? We all know our vote for the presidential election doesn't mean squat in NY if you vote repub, conservative, or to the right.
The only way we can make our vote count is if we register as a dem so we can vote for Bernie in the primary.
Your opinion might not align with mine but, I'd rather see Trump go up against Bernie than anyone they're throwing at him right now. I think Trump has the best shot of winning by the biggest margin against the communist.
Register, like I have, as a dem and make your NY vote finally mean something. We've been silenced by NYC for way too long. This is, sad to say, our only meaningful vote in NY.
The NY democratic presidential primary is April 28th.
The deadline to register or amend your current party affiliation is March 28th, one month before the primary.
The only way we can make our vote count is if we register as a dem so we can vote for Bernie in the primary.
Your opinion might not align with mine but, I'd rather see Trump go up against Bernie than anyone they're throwing at him right now. I think Trump has the best shot of winning by the biggest margin against the communist.
Register, like I have, as a dem and make your NY vote finally mean something. We've been silenced by NYC for way too long. This is, sad to say, our only meaningful vote in NY.
The NY democratic presidential primary is April 28th.
The deadline to register or amend your current party affiliation is March 28th, one month before the primary.