Here is a bunch of stuff from the spare parts bin.
Phase 5 pistol buffer tube-$25
Nib strike industries link handstops-$25 for both
A2 grip and birdcage flash hider-$20
2 Glock 17 10rd mags-sold
Take any 2 listings and get the bag of larue tactical index clips free…
Prices are local Western NY, shipped additional unless you want it all then shipping is free
Phase 5 pistol buffer tube-$25
Nib strike industries link handstops-$25 for both
A2 grip and birdcage flash hider-$20
2 Glock 17 10rd mags-sold
Take any 2 listings and get the bag of larue tactical index clips free…
Prices are local Western NY, shipped additional unless you want it all then shipping is free
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