.475 A&M Magnum
New York’s New Red Flag Gun Grab
Democrat Governor Hochul is praising this new policy of gun confiscation as "a model for the rest of the nation.”
Last year, judges approved 1,600 Red Flag confiscations in Suffolk County alone. Across the state, the number of confiscations reached 4,300 in 2022. This is up from 222 in 2021, resulting in a 1900% increase.
The new state policy includes the possibility of a wider range of people accusing others of being a risk to society. The list of those given authority to accuse and speculate on the mental stability and/or level of societal risk a person may pose includes family members, police, health officials, and school officials. Keep in mind any of these folks who may have a hatred for the 2nd Amendment or an irrational fear of guns can easily make untrue accusations. This, of course, maybe why the State allows these confiscations to take place without due process for the accused.