These fuckers are truly losing their minds. Of course these "progressive thinking ideas" will never apply to them. At what point do we recognize complete insanity and remove it from society?
News Flash, Bill. NYC has zoning which more or less determines what can and cannot be built on a particular parcel. As for rent controls and what not, I think time has proven those to be abysmal failures that actual prevent affordable housing from going up.
But he and any other Communist dictator can do anything they want. They took away all the guns as you know.
and, as long as he keeps that shit to the 5 borrows (ya, spelled it like that on purpose) then have at it. If he tries to bring that shit to the north country, he better bring an Army with him, he will need every single one of them.
and, just out of curiosity, what's he going to do with Conservation property? Thats is open to the public, but its owned by private conservancy
Article dated Sept 5, 2017.
And he was re-elected.
I have zero concern for the truly moronic society that voted this commie into office. His actions don't affect me. I didn't vote for him. Those numbskulls did it to themselves. They deserve everything they get.
Natural property rights" are based on use-value: all humans have need for the use of nature (parcels, food, fuel, shelter) for their very existence and survival. This along with basic human rights, freedom of speech, rights to defend our lives and property and freedom of religion are what constitute the Natural Inalienable Rights.
One thing is to provision land for parks, highways, dams, power-lines and such and the other is to start talking about ending private property
and all this nonsense communist mambo jambo.
You hit the nail dead center.
Deed = you own the dwelling on said property you are leasing from the local gov.
There is another one, (I don 't remember the name), Lodeal? title means you own all.
ok so if its all PUBLIC Property I wont have to pay taxes on what was or thought to be MY LAND....... now no property tax income you idiot.....what now...your move!!
It never ceases to amaze me what they come up and how they can truly beleive the crap they are spewing?? do they really beleive themselves or just to hear themselves talk and rant???
The difference between rape and seduction is the manner of salesman ship. Socialist are good salesmen and the communist are the rapist. Socialist want you to give up your net worth for the betterment of their upper class. In the blink of an eye I'd bet DiBlasio would jump on the opportunity to move to Harlem or the South Bronx to practice what he preaches and live amongst the people he thinks he rules.