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New York and its localities ranked top in the nation in taxes and second for spending in 2021, according to a report released Tuesday morning by the Citizens Budget Commission.
The report found the state led in taxes in both collecting the most per person and the most per $1,000 of personal income, at $135. Spending was 50% more per capita than the national average in 2021 and was only lower than Alaska.
In addition, the state and its localities collected more revenue from all types of taxes — property, personal income, corporate, and sales — than 41 other states, according to the report.
The state’s local property tax collections per capita were 76% higher than the national average and ranked ninth nationally for sales tax collections.
The report found the state led in taxes in both collecting the most per person and the most per $1,000 of personal income, at $135. Spending was 50% more per capita than the national average in 2021 and was only lower than Alaska.
In addition, the state and its localities collected more revenue from all types of taxes — property, personal income, corporate, and sales — than 41 other states, according to the report.
The state’s local property tax collections per capita were 76% higher than the national average and ranked ninth nationally for sales tax collections.
Fiscal watchdog: New York ranks top in nation for taxes, second for spending
The report comes from the Citizens Budget Commission.