Project Veritas Goes Inside CNN
Oct 14, 2019 #2 Robin .475 A&M Magnum Messages 19,400 Reaction score 41,602 Location Livingston County Hard to believe. My first thought was, who is Zucker the cocksucker's boss. Follow the chain of command. Robin
Hard to believe. My first thought was, who is Zucker the cocksucker's boss. Follow the chain of command. Robin
Oct 16, 2019 #3 GOPerfect .950 JDJ U.S. Military Messages 30,468 Reaction score 69,353 Location No longer Secret, thanks DR. Evil I have watched most of these video and the secretly taken footage. All news networks should be talking about this.
I have watched most of these video and the secretly taken footage. All news networks should be talking about this.