6.5 Creedmoor
My only beef with Trump last year was that I felt he wasn't anywhere near the orator that Ovomit was, and I really like a great orator. But this speech he did at Congress - I felt it was VERY presidential and I think he hit it out of the park. I'm very pleased - that's the shortcoming I felt he would have and it bothered me. I voted for him, but it bothered my nevertheless. Hopefully all of his speeches are like that. I was only 4 when the CIA and LBJ executed Kennedy; but I watch his speeches now and then on Youtube and I kind of feel he and Ovomit are good targets to try and reach if you are going to be an orator. Actually come to think of it - Dubya was a really great orator too. Although I may just be partial - Dubya was probably my favorite POTUS since I have been alive. Magnetic charm, southern gentleman, great speaker, that magical smile he would do. No homo. ;-)