Donald Trump’s promises with regard to the swamp and to restoring America’s greatness would be extraordinarily difficult to keep even were they matched with due understanding and forceful execution. But the ruling class is so big, so pervasive, and so committed to its ideas, that sidelining it, and even more so, undoing its work, would require at least matching its power, pretensions, and vehemence. In other words, it would take raising the temperature of our cold civil war’s right side to match or overmatch the temperature of its left side. Statesmanship’s task, however, is to maximize peace, not strife.
American society has divided along unreconcilable visions of the good, held by countrymen who increasingly regard each other as enemies. Any attempt by either side to coerce the other into submission augurs only the fate that has befallen other peoples who let themselves slide into revolution. It follows that the path to peace must lie in each side’s contentment to have its own way—but only among those who consent to it. This implies limiting the U.S. government’s reach to what it can grasp without wrecking what remains of our national cohesion.
Very well thought out article. It just further reinforces my personal feelings that this country as we know it now will not be around in the same fashion when my children are grown adults.
The 2 major sides of this country are pretty evenly split and the chasm between the 2 grows by the day with each side further digging their heels in. Compromise and go along to get along are becoming increasingly unrealistic options. The issues being disagreed upon are not minor but fundamental philosophical differences. The country is probably more divided today on practical every day issues than it was in 1860.
The American civil war for practical purposes was a war between states. 2 uniformed opposing forces with a usually clear and recognizable battlefront lines.
If, there is another got civil war it will get nasty very quickly. There are no clear "front lines" as there were previously. The major divide now is more geographic or ethnic enclaves. Its rural vs urban, suburbs split in the middle, look at the election map of 2016. Its a sea of red with densely populated blue islands.
I read Thomas chittums book "civil war 2" and a lot of what he said has stuck with me and I fear some of the predictions he made decades ago are becoming more clear and realistic by the day.
Sooner or later I fear something will happen and who knows what would be the spark to light the powder keg.
I just hope most of the biggest loudest voices on the far left are too lazy or cowardly to do anything. But there are enough derranged ideologues that would stop at nothing to follow their cause. History is littered with violent communist peasant revolts, insurgencies etc