Leftist is a meaningless term. What we have on our hands today are urban supremacists who want to have city-states that rule the surrounding land as a neo-colony.
Yeah, I harp on this one aspect but, IMHO, it is the big wedge used by Maoists in this country. It is important to remember that neither the USSR, nor China, nor Vietnam used straight up Marxism as delineated by Marx and Engels. They modified it to the situation present in their country or region.
Women are the problem. Completely governed by emotion, regardless of the facts.
Feminism, as now preached by Gen4 feminists is a toxic mix of hate, envy, stupidity and naivete in believing the bullshit peddled by American Maoists (AKA Democrats).
Women are the wedge and most, but not all of them, are certifiably insane.
Watch the video carefully - most of the front "men" of this bullshit are women - for example, "The Squad" - Maoist shock troops. Most of the people seen destroying anti-abortion signs and attacking people are women. Vicious, violent and out-of-control ideologues with no idea what they are thinking or doing. They can present no cogent arguments for their side of the argument (in reality, there isn't one), so they resort to violence.
It's the biggest wedge that can be used...it divides the nation in half. From there, the LQBTQ#$&( crap is just icing on the cake.
Standard divide and conquer technique, while conservatives sit around arguing about minutiae. It's planned that way by the Maoists, because they know we will nitpick and haggle over the fine points while they pound the country into dust.
I think Mao Zedong instituted the purist form of communism the world has seen. Total collectivism. The result being tens of millions dead. I don't view communism as a valid ideology, I view it a s a threat to basic survival.
I therefore think the harshest methods and most draconian measures are entirely justified when it comes to eliminating communists. No restraint, no compunction, no regret.
Pinochet did the right thing.