I have a dimension in 308. Never got around to getting other barrels for it though. Its light and accurate. Seems to be sturdy. I haven't dropped it yet and hopefully won't. Knock on wood I haven't had any problems with it so I can't speak for their customer service. I don't know much about their other rifles.
I have both their rifle and pistol. Great shooters. Redid the trigger springs and polished the sears. Have both in 223 and 7-08. The 223 rifle will shoot thumbtacks at 100 yards all day long with 55gr ballistic tips. The rifles balance very well for offhand shooting. I had one problem with mine which had nothing to do with the rifle being at fault which was the primers split and scared the bolt face.
I called them and they sent out the part I needed free of charge. . Great company with a great product is all I can say. My pistol has a 15 inch barrel and offhand, with no scope it is no problem hitting a 6 inch gong at 100 yards.