In the past GOP has barely defended itself. They deserve a good attack, ass whooping, nut crushing kick in the balls. Screw this silent majority shit, the whiny little bitches need some payback. Let them block roads, burn things and otherwise protest.
If I was making this ad, I would start off with Trump at the press conferences hitting hard on corruption part of this and the need to get to the bottom of it.
Then I would do the montage of the media and Democrat reaction. Calls for impeachment. The panic. Crazy rhetoric.
In other words, just tell it like it is.
I'm very sure it's only the first in a series of commercials. My President doesn't deliver glancing blows. He lures in his opponent, prods them, throws damaging strikes and ultimately goes in for the kill.
Don't want to put out all your weapons 13 months before the killing blow
I really hate election season. At least I am not spending any time in trucks stops or rest areas anymore, what with the election coverage on TV being unavoidable. I should be able to largely ignore the coverage this time around and thus my chances of getting a life sentence in prison due to bludgeoning someone to death with said TV is now drastically reduced.
I don't wanna go to prison. I like my asshole the size it is now.
I've been saying for a while that the GOP needs to step of their high horse and fight the Dems in the mud. Sometimes, you need to get down to someone's level and beat the shit out of them in order to get your point across.