I figured out why they were removing civil war statues in the south. They are making room for more statues to be put up after the next civil war. There will be no emo, antifakers or democrats put up this round either.
Heres something the dems arent talking about......
During the 15th-19th centuries there were many explorers discovering Africa. Ive read many books by these explorers.....Bartholomew Diaz, Henrey Stanley, David Livingston, Oskar Lenz.......
They all write about the extensive use of slaves throughout Africa.
Members of the losing side of waring tribes would often be taken back to the victors and spend the rest of their lives serving their new masters.
So, far, far before Americans and most likely before ANY whites had slaves, black Africans had SLAVES.
As far as we know, the entire notion of slavery may have come straight from ancient Africa.