SCOTUS Signals Interest In CA Gun Seizure Case

7 years ago...
Says it all...!
WTF kind of idiotic logic is this? Oh, wait.... California.A superior court judge disagreed, stating that it was “not appropriate” to return any firearms to the Rodriguez residence, though the judge did point out that Lori Rodriguez was free to purchase firearms to replace the ones confiscated by police.
A superior court judge disagreed, stating that it was “not appropriate” to return any firearms to the Rodriguez residence, though the judge did point out that Lori Rodriguez was free to purchase firearms to replace the ones confiscated by police.
7 years ago...
Says it all...!
Doesn't matter... SCOTUS has no teeth!
Massachusetts has already been flogged verbally for not following it guidance on the Stun Gun ban! And...?
Nothing changes until the SCOTUS rules on the scrutiny of the 2A as absolute! Even then, it'll take years and years of challenges and complete outright ignorance with intent by municipalities!
I always say liberal logic is no logic at all!!WTF kind of idiotic logic is this? Oh, wait.... California.
For your reading pleas
That’s from 2018. We’ve already discussed that.
Anyone have a taser?
U.S. top court throws out Massachusetts stun gun ruling
The Supreme Court on Monday threw out a Massachusetts court ruling that stun guns are not covered by the U.S. Constitution's guarantee of the right to bear arms, siding with a woman who said she carried one as protection against an abusive former boyfriend.www.reuters.com
Massachusetts top court declares stun gun ban unconstitutional
The top court in Massachusetts on Tuesday struck down a state law that banned civilians from possessing stun guns, ruling unanimously that the law violated the U.S. Constitution's Second Amendment, which protects Americans' right to bear arms.www.reuters.com
For your reading pleasure!!
Not sure why you would provide links to something I already noted! And my point entirely is they made a ruling regarding the Constitutionality of the State court(s) ignoring previous SCOTUS guidance!
And what did they do? Did they vacate the verdict? Tell me what they did...!?
They sent it "Back" to the State, for them to fix it... (ie, No Teeth)
Gay wedding cake case is a staged case. It doesn't make any sense. Would you eat something baked by someone who hates you? How stupid do they think people are?
They love rendering decisions which have no effect on the real world. They stood up for our right to refuse baking cakes, give them a medal.
This had to do with the SCOTUS sending a case back to the State Court!!
As to your first sentence, * Would you eat something baked by someone who hates you?* What make you think hate had anything to do with the Baker refusing to make the cake?
Normal people hate those who want to force them tondo something they don't want to do.
Serious issue. They said NY's tazer ban is not legal. But it's still on the books, and you'll still be arrested most likely if you're found with one.Doesn't matter... SCOTUS has no teeth!
Massachusetts has already been flogged verbally for not following it guidance on the Stun Gun ban! And...?
Nothing changes until the SCOTUS rules on the scrutiny of the 2A as absolute! Even then, it'll take years and years of challenges and complete outright ignorance with intent by municipalities!