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  1. Jezman

    What will subsonic .22 ammo go through?

    I have witnessed first hand it will go through paper with little effort. Anything after that is iffy J/K enjoy.
  2. Jezman

    I found some familiar names on here lol

    Hello Welcome
  3. Jezman

    Andrew Cuomo Dares Mitch McConnell Not to Bail-Out CA, IL, CT, NJ and New York….

    Andy boy needs that money to buy his votes back.
  4. Jezman

    Cuomo to protesters..."Get a job as an essential worker"

    Well in his defense he did bring 4 new jobs for like 6 billion tax payer dollars. What a tool.
  5. Jezman

    Maglula UpLula

    I have a couple and it works very well for its price. Dont think it will break any time soo. I had this at least 9 years now.
  6. Jezman

    FREE Corona Carma (6.5 Creed Brass) Free

    I would take some not picky. Just thankful for any. I will take 64 S-B and 35 Winchester
  7. Jezman

    Corona virus takes down President Trump’s economy

    So OP is mad the current president has bought the economy for we the people back to us? Then said president has to take drastic measures to save life's of we the people from a Virus from a shit hole country. And the downfall is the economy takes a hit. OP little man I hope one day you don't...
  8. Jezman

    CLR. Who knew?

    I use WD-40and have fantastic results of removing carbon.
  9. Jezman

    ALERT!! Ordered Closed by NY State....Firing Pin, in Bergen

    They set the precedent years and years ago. The only way to stop it is to have unity and no sheep. As much as people dislike Kirus Joel the residents all stick together no matter what. United we stastand divided we fall.
  10. Jezman

    Gov. Cuomo to sign executive order to take ventilators from upstate hospitals

    Making sure in the worst of times to keep his NYShitty flock interested in voting for him.
  11. Jezman

    NRA Files Lawsuit Against State of NY, Seeks Gun Stores to be Designated “Essential"

    Oooooohhhhhh NRA going in to make deals to throw more of our rights away. Most of you are aware the NRA is on their side not ours.
  12. Jezman

    De Blasio wants the military in NYC

    Translation DeDouchbago is not the center of attention and needs some now and with mighty power right now.
  13. Jezman

    Are they positioning NY Governor Andrew Cuomo to exit the DNC convention as the consensus nominee; the chosen one?

    80 percent of the country would not vote for the mad man of NY.
  14. Jezman

    Reports: 4 US senators sold stocks before coronavirus market crash

    The privileged remain separated business as usual.
  15. Jezman

    Website sold ammo to underage accused Texas high school shooter, lawsuit says

    And all of that will never stop a crime!
  16. Jezman

    NJ carry licensed security guard arrested for so called hollowpoint ammo..

    It is a shame for all of it. United we stand divided we fall. I live by respect received respect given.
  17. Jezman

    NJ carry licensed security guard arrested for so called hollowpoint ammo..

    The non privileged sector has it and it is called the second ammendment. But as of now privileged ones keep enforcing the unconstitutional laws the politics force upon us.
  18. Jezman

    Good luck with this, but the SAFE act stays

    Political pandering at its best.
  19. Jezman

    Area opposition mounts to FUAC proposal for T’way to take over Bridge Authority

    If the government in NY is pushing it, you know it is directly going to benefit them only.
  20. Jezman

    FREE Free - 7mm Rem Mag & 7mm-08 Rem

    I am interested in the 7mm - 08 I live minute from Rock Tavern
  21. Jezman

    Cuomo says Trump is punishing New York for being too liberal.

    Another joke out of Andrew's mouth. Why are politicians so sleezy?
  22. Jezman

    Advocates, legislators urge support for gun safety bills

    Good thing they work in government, any one in the real world would laugh their aresses off at such a waste of suggestions. Probably be relieved from company duty and asked to never come back.
  23. Jezman

    Schumer calls for action against ‘ghost guns’

    I thought ghosts were fake?
  24. Jezman

    Donald Trump Jr. receives permit to hunt Alaska grizzly bear

    In NY it is to look at the Stars!
  25. Jezman

    Already starting, Russia interference again...

    The only problem for them is anybody who matters is not buying it!
  26. Jezman

    Cuomo, Democrats creating watershed session for gun control

    I say put more laws the criminals are running around scared and shaking in their shoes. Just kidding keep restricting law abiding citizens and the criminals will be more empowered.
  27. Jezman

    60 minutes Climate change's role in Australia's fires

    Just extra money for the spin Dr's to push their Agenda
  28. Jezman

    Bloomberg is considering THE HILDEBEAST for Vice President!!!!!!!

    Funny stuff he really is not interested in being president.
  29. Jezman

    Virginia votes to pledge its electoral college votes to the popular vote winner.

    So Virginia already admits it will be a Trump reelection?
  30. Jezman

    Russians posing as Greta Thunberg prank Bernie Sanders

    Dammm Russians already interfering with trump's election! Where is Pelosi and Schiff when you need them!
  31. Jezman

    Virginia votes to pledge its electoral college votes to the popular vote winner.

    They should be careful what they wish for!
  32. Jezman

    United States Led Entire World In Reducing CO2 Emissions In 2019

    Yes so glad we are paying for it! Rest of the world say screw you we cry and take your green dollar dollars.
  33. Jezman

    State legislators consider legalizing prostitution

    As you egg it on to be so.
  34. Jezman

    State legislators consider legalizing prostitution

    I spent half my money on women and Booze, the other half I wasted!
  35. Jezman

    State legislators consider legalizing prostitution

    Backed by all who can not get free sex lol!
  36. Jezman

    New York self defense laws... (discussion)

    I would say as NYS has shown it is all different from area to area and some areas have more hate for the right to protect one's self then other areas.
  37. Jezman

    Should It Be Okay to Violate Criminal’s Rights?

    That is a decision the officer makes. And the officer is backed by others to justify it, but often they loose in the trail and evidence is dismissed and people walk from prosecution.
  38. Jezman

    "On Having Whiteness" - There Be Nazis Amongst Us

    Most of the world is light skinned.
  39. Jezman

    NYC bans renters from paying broker fees up front

    Good these people voted for their leadership. How you doing now NYC
  40. Jezman

    Everytown for Gun Safety to make $250k ad buy, aim to put Minn. Senate 'on notice'

    Wait till the courts have to start addressing all this gun grabbing control laws. Demos be crying hardest ever.
  41. Jezman

    Joe Biden Doubles Down in NH: Sue Firearm Companies for Criminal Gun Use

    Somebody's cheese is sliding real fast off there Cracker!
  42. Jezman

    Kimber rapide is pretty sweet looking.

    A unique 1911, just like a unique glock lol. Meh I shall pass just lipstick on an old gun design. Not a fan.
  43. Jezman

    Hello Everyone... New to NYGF

    Hello and Welcome
  44. Jezman

    mitt Romney is pond scum prove me wrong

    You win Sir, you have challenged us to an impossible task!!!
  45. Jezman

    Democrats: Trump's acquittal doesn't count | SUPERcuts! #740

    That's why they waited a month. To write the script.
  46. Jezman

    Orange County checking in

  47. Jezman

    Democrats: Trump's acquittal doesn't count | SUPERcuts! #740

    Theses people get more deranged on a daily basis. Me thinks pelosi gave this group a huge pill of stupid!
  48. Jezman

    Why Are People Leaving New York? Lawmakers Want Answers

    Just public relations statement to make it seem as they care!