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  1. thisIslandEarth

    Hunter Biden has been FULLY pardoned.

    All animals are equal. It's just that some animals are more equal than others. -Orwell
  2. thisIslandEarth

    Gun Humor thread

    At Kodak Park in the Employee Rec building they used to have a rifle range and employees would bring their firearms to work to enjoy the range. Just saying ... "Among the features to be housed in the 6-story structure will be a swimming pool, gymnasium, bowling alleys, rifle range, billiard...
  3. thisIslandEarth

    Gun Humor thread

    Great price on FLAME THROWERS!! I *think* these are good to go in NY IF you say your a farmer... FLAME ON!!
  4. thisIslandEarth

    WHOA! New York Governor Warns Trump About Supporting 2nd Amendment!

    No worries my friend. My in-laws are here from Kansas City visiting for the weekend and I've already had 4 shots of Woodford Reserve Rye in less than an hour. And really, leaving NYS yesterday without a forwarding address would have been a dream come me
  5. thisIslandEarth

    WHOA! New York Governor Warns Trump About Supporting 2nd Amendment!

    Unfortunately, some of us are constrained by elderly parents that need care and have no intention or are physically unable of leaving their homes. Some of us have kids that live in this state with grandchildren that you want to be part of your life. Some of us have wives that refuse to give up...
  6. thisIslandEarth

    NYSDEC Siezes Squirrel

    Didn't he have a Squirrel permit on his NY Pistol Permit?
  7. thisIslandEarth

    NYSDEC Siezes Squirrel

    Support SLM - Squirrels Life Matter!
  8. thisIslandEarth

    Worthless New York State Ammo Regulations

    I get it, I get it. But, I really feel for the FFL's and gun shops around the area. 4 within a 25 mile radius of where I live closed their doors this past year. I know some of these folks and for the most part they are really good hard working people. How long before there are none left in NYS...
  9. thisIslandEarth

    Worthless New York State Ammo Regulations

    Finally got a PROCEED... used to be fun getting a new firearm.
  10. thisIslandEarth

    Worthless New York State Ammo Regulations

    Permit me to VENT here guys as my other options for decompressing are likely bad choices: I bought a new pistol last Wednesday and my FFL submitted the background check. I'm still showing a status of DELAYED per the NYS system as I type this. WTF. Just thought I'd pass this along ... Another...
  11. thisIslandEarth

    NYSDEC Siezes Squirrel

    Who was the squirrel hurting??? What business is it of anyone's? I don't get it. Go catch some damn criminals or round up some squatters. WTF is wrong with this fucking state...
  12. thisIslandEarth

    NYS is looking to reduce rock salt usage for environmental reasons

    I was visiting my beloved in-laws in Kansas City, KS at Christmas couple years ago. The wife's old man was salting his driveway like a madman. I said to him - "that's a LOT of salt isn't it?". He said "Salt works great - I love salt!". Unfortunately for him after he finished he headed inside and...
  13. thisIslandEarth

    NYS is looking to reduce rock salt usage for environmental reasons

    I find if I make an effort to park my car equally on both sides of the road during the winter the car will rust uniformly and be a piece of shit in no time... Bad for dogs paws to boot
  14. thisIslandEarth

    Colorado Mayor Admits Police Have Lost Control of Part of Community to Venezuelan Illegal Migrant Gang “Tren de Aragua”

    It sickens me to watch the ongoing saga of the decline and decay in our country. Open the boarders more please you stupid MF'ers!!
  15. thisIslandEarth

    Is This The Red Herring Event We've All Been Waiting For? (Eastern equine encephalitis, EEE and mosquitos)

    Well, I just got my EEE vax, my Covid vax AND my Flu vax. At least I'm SAFE from everything now!!! Haha you f'ers!!!!
  16. thisIslandEarth

    Covid has taken the lives of 220 million Americans in the last several months!

    And I shouldn't have to wait so long in the Chick-Fil-A drive-thru line!!
  17. thisIslandEarth

    Lead Ammo Again

    Trust me - I'm pretty sure they've already thought of everything
  18. thisIslandEarth

    Lead Ammo Again

    How long before NY State bans the sale of lead ammunition? If you own lead ammo you must register it and add it to your pistol permit.
  19. thisIslandEarth

    Two-time felon caught with gun in Poughkeepsie

    I've think I heard wrapping tape sticky side out especially on the grip prevents the crime lab of lifting the fingerprints.
  20. thisIslandEarth

    Profound wisdom, quotes, thoughts and the like

    All animals are equal. It's just that some animals are more equal than others. -Orwell
  21. thisIslandEarth

    Profound wisdom, quotes, thoughts and the like

    Henry Ford — 'Whether you think you can, or you think you can't--you're right.' "It's never wrong to do the right thing" And finally... "You can lead a horse to water but a pencil must be lead" :-)
  22. thisIslandEarth

    Profound wisdom, quotes, thoughts and the like

    “Life is what happens while you're busy making other plans” John Lennon
  23. thisIslandEarth

    Profound wisdom, quotes, thoughts and the like

    Never piss off 7 men when all you're packing is a 6-shooter.
  24. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    Perhaps that was the plan...
  25. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    I've always had a good inner sense of when something just doesn't feel right it usually turns out it isn't. I think we can all agree at the very least this was a cluster-fuck of epic proportions. It certainly didn't go right for someone - security and/or the conspirators...
  26. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    Man @Bigfoot you got a LOT of catching up to do...
  27. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    Well okay that's a game changer...
  28. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    Where's that fucker from the NYT calling for a hit...
  29. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    Where's @Bigfoot he's going to go "ape" shit... And can't wait for @Dr. Evil input... According to the great Troy McClure: "I hate every chimp I see from Chimpan-A to chimpanzee"
  30. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    No my friend ... that it was an Antifa goon
  31. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    What a fucking shock that is...
  32. thisIslandEarth

    President Trump shot

    I had always hoped for our country a better outcome. I had always feared the worst. I'm afraid we've crossed the line. End Game.
  33. thisIslandEarth

    Idaho Central Credit Union says members can't use their own money to buy guns or ammo!

    According to the terms and conditions, ICCU members are not allowed to use their money to buy guns or ammo. I think in the last day or two there was so much uproar ICCU back-peddled and "modified" the terms. ICCU
  34. thisIslandEarth

    Interested in a serious discussion. (Survival/Prepping)The time may be upon us, are you ready?

    100% great assessment. Yep, we can prep and hunker down but IMHO any extended chaos ( > 1 week ) unless you are some part of an organized group ( neighbors ) the chance for survival deteriorates rapidly. I'm in the same boat as you and I understand completely.
  35. thisIslandEarth

    GPS down?

    I wouldn't worry about GPS taking a hit. When the internet and cell service go belly up lock your doors...
  36. thisIslandEarth

    Biden Trump debate Thursday, who’s watching?

    Okay. But, if it comes to a head - who's got the finger on the button?? Every one of our foreign allies just shit their pants after that debate.
  37. thisIslandEarth

    Biden Trump debate Thursday, who’s watching?

    Exactly right. In fact, I believe the Dems KNEW he would crash and burn and have already made plans for a dem "superstar" to run in November. What troubles me more than anything - and this is not a dem/republican issue but a USA issue: clearly, Biden is NOT running the country - no fucking way...
  38. thisIslandEarth

    Assembly Bill A705 -- Prohibits the sale of gasoline powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers

    Dewalt Battery Lawn Mower Catches Fire At Largest OPE Tradeshow in The World FIRE!! One guy had a great comment: " USER ERROR!! Instructions clearly state: After use, park vehicle in an airtight metal container, vacuum all air out of container, move container at least 5 miles from any...
  39. thisIslandEarth

    Assembly Bill A705 -- Prohibits the sale of gasoline powered leaf blowers and lawn mowers

    Yep, just picked up my new NYS Approved Electric Lawn Mower. Plugged that baby in....
  40. thisIslandEarth

    New Nostradamus Predicts WWIII is just days from now

    Well, if it is going to happen in the next few days I hope it occurs BEFORE my mother-in-law visits rather than AFTER.
  41. thisIslandEarth

    NY Democrat Paula Collins said path forward involves “reeducating” Trump supporters.

    Proposed standard camp procedure to re-educate residents:
  42. thisIslandEarth

    Firearms buyback in New Rochelle collects 75 guns

    Put DOWN the fuckin BUTT PLUG ass wipe!!
  43. thisIslandEarth

    Firearms buyback in New Rochelle collects 75 guns

    In an unpresented stroke of genius, the New Rochelle Police Department is taking advantage of this months Pride Month by hosting a Butt Plug Buy-Back program to run along side the gun buy-back effort. Citizens that turn in a firearm and a butt plug are entered the 2024 Summer New Rochelle Trany...
  44. thisIslandEarth

    Firearms buyback in New Rochelle collects 75 guns

    Wait... June is National Gun Violence Awareness Month????! What the fuck I thought it was Pride Month. You're telling me I have to take my dress off, wash the lipstick off my face and sell my guns. I'm so confused. My wife said " Just relax - you can wear your dress to the gun buy-back and...