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  1. technicalgadget

    Don’t Write Off the .380

    I find the recoil impulse of .380 to be fairly sharp and less controllable than 9mm. Is it just me or perhaps the .380 platform frames are very light for carry and conceal ability?
  2. technicalgadget

    Virginia votes to pledge its electoral college votes to the popular vote winner.

    Democrats preparing and getting ready to rig the next presidential election, and Hillary getting ready to start her campaign in 3,2,1..:screwy:
  3. technicalgadget

    Is it a violation to have an AR15 which belongs to a LEO ?

    Reach out to the LEO. Unless he has passed, it will probably be an oh shit moment for him. He will get it out of there.
  4. technicalgadget

    Stormy Daniels wants to bring her 7-year-old Daughter to STRIP CLUBS - Father objects

    Yup, I dunno what the Don saw in her, but different strokes for different folks....
  5. technicalgadget

    My 16 year old wants a sword-any recommendations?

    This is supposedly a legit sword making company based out of China. They will make custom stuff as well based on your design. I have not purchased anything from them but supposedly they are the real deal.
  6. technicalgadget

    The media came to cover the Bloomberg event, but our Second Amendment crowd hijacked the coverage

    Taken straight out of the lefty playbook, eat your own shit lefties.
  7. technicalgadget

    AZ Democrat Senators: Register or Surrender ‘Assault Weapons’

    Careful there, Democrats would enjoy that happening to them...Especially when you got the barrel shroud and moved it in and out.
  8. technicalgadget

    State legislators consider legalizing prostitution

    I wonder what the NYS Prostitution tax rate will be?
  9. technicalgadget

    Joe Biden Doubles Down in NH: Sue Firearm Companies for Criminal Gun Use

    Wow, what a big FU to Sig Sauer NH...
  10. technicalgadget

    What do you do?

    Need to bug in, but without some sort of contact with the outside world via radio, two way radio, tv or internet, you run the risk of having this situation happening to you...
  11. technicalgadget

    Semi auto shotguns - NY legal

    Yes and no. You would be legal under the NY SAFE act, but would be out of compliance federally under 922R rules. So if you replaced your tube magazine with an aftermarket magazine that holds 7 rounds, you would need to replace 2 other parts that were US made. For the Benelli M4, the cheapest...
  12. technicalgadget

    Bloomberg Targets North Carolina Next

    That's more like a liberal lefty tactic....
  13. technicalgadget

    Bloomberg Targets North Carolina Next

    Come on man, we need a righty with deep pockets to counter this Bloomberg shit with unlimited funds...Who's gonna help us in NC?
  14. technicalgadget

    Cold Steel Ti Lite

    You haven't EDC'ed a knife until you've carried one of these....
  15. technicalgadget

    Taran tactical in thailand

    Because Thailand doesn't have enough under aged women who want
  16. technicalgadget

    NYS residents can no longer enroll in trusted traveler programs (merged thread)

    This will probably mean that illegals wont be able to fly to domestic locations either. Be prepared for some agency or state to claim that this is racist...NY will probably be the first...
  17. technicalgadget

    Mission Accomplished – Chaos in Iowa Caucuses Helps and Hurts All The Right Candidates… We are campaign and technology veterans who have built and implemented technology at Hillary for America, Obama for America, Google, Kiva, Apple, the AFL-CIO, and the DNC. Our passion is to create a permanent advantage for progressive campaigns
 and causes through...
  18. technicalgadget

    Democrats: Trump's acquittal doesn't count | SUPERcuts! #740

    Obviously, well rehearsed and well planned ahead of time among the Democrats.
  19. technicalgadget

    DemocRATs promise, Impeachment won't end if senate doesn't convict

    Quite frankly very glad that they are exposing what they have hid up their sleeves for years now. With this kind of advanced notice, it shouldn’t be too difficult to formulate a proper response to this.
  20. technicalgadget

    TRIGGERED: 20 times leftists went berserk on campus in 2019

    Dude, colonoscopy saves lives over 50 years old....
  21. technicalgadget

    XM855 availability

    SS109 is the same, steel core penetrator ammo.
  22. technicalgadget

    Man trying to clean a gun with his monkey

    Wow, that monkey looks pretty eager to please. He will get the entire procedure down pat in a few month.
  23. technicalgadget

    1/20/20 Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally discussion (merged thread)

    Great to see everyone is being civil on both sides. Apologies for the the rhetoric.
  24. technicalgadget

    PC Carbine with or without MLOK handguard?

    Additional weight is a trade off. A bulkier carry when broken down is another one.
  25. technicalgadget

    1/20/20 Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally discussion (merged thread)

    It’s a shame, but the Governor and the left are going to sacrifice good local law enforcement and state police men to the Antifa and clandestine provocateurs working for the left. Good men will be injured or maybe even murdered by their own hands to advance their agenda so they can claim the...
  26. technicalgadget

    1/20/20 Virginia 2nd Amendment Rally discussion (merged thread)

    With the declaration of a state of emergency, the Va governor can now deprive you of your civil rights and due process. This is the same tactic the Louisiana governor used to go door to door to confiscate firearms from private citizens during Katrina.
  27. technicalgadget

    Cardi B Has A Solution For Your Guns...

    She be violatin’ the laws of grammar, learn to spell biatch, then maybe peepz will take you seriously. About the only thing she got right is going back to school. Until then, she’s just another wannabe gangsta whore.
  28. technicalgadget

    New York Jailbreak Law / Bail Reform/ Articles/Stories and Discussions(multi-merged thread)

    There may be a plus side to this, if we all took up arms enacting an eye for an eye street justice, we can turn the tide and turn New York into a better place. Incarceration just hides criminals from street justice. Keep them out in the open, and let’s take the law into our own hands...
  29. technicalgadget

    Iowa man sentenced to 16 years for setting LGBTQ flag on fire

    I hate liberals, is it a fucking hate crime?
  30. technicalgadget

    Power Grids and Satellites Are More at Risk from Extreme Solar Storms Than We Thought

    Flip a coin, heads, North and South America, tails, Russia and China. All depends on which side of the earth is facing the sun by the time them negative waves hits the earth...
  31. technicalgadget

    Shooting buddies

    Can’t blame him, the instinct to reproduce is a strong one in young men...
  32. technicalgadget

    Making lard sealed pork ( Chinese way )

    Both videos rather cool. I can almost feel the briskness of fall and my toes getting cold in the last video.
  33. technicalgadget

    F/S NY Legal Taurus CT9 G2

    Can’t do this, recent change in my financial status prevents me from doing so. GLWS
  34. technicalgadget

    F/S NY Legal Taurus CT9 G2

    Interested, do you have an FFL who will transfer this as a NYS legal firearm? Should have made the kydex panel from grip to stock.
  35. technicalgadget

    New to NYGF

    Hi Folks, Thank you all for the warm welcome! @Exonautic , I have been to both places and have taken instruction from both venues. Although I am a Suffolk resident, these two places are not my goto ranges. @Phauxtoe , Outside of actually shooting firearms, I do enjoy the quiet time during the...
  36. technicalgadget

    New to NYGF

    Hello, I'm from LI and am not new to firearms in general. Currently raising 3 kids so difficult to get out to the range, but still do from time to time. I enjoy taking firearms training courses time permitting as well. Hope to be a positive contributor to this board!