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  1. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    I do want to add iCloud storage at some point as an optional feature, so that people can decide whether or not data leaves their device.
  2. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    I like that idea. I'll add it to the list.
  3. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    Would a free version that only lets you enter a certain number of range logs seem reasonable? With an in-app purchase to unlock unlimited logs? Do you want something like a report on FTF, or would a notes field cover that? Is there specific load data you'd like to see broken out? I don't do any...
  4. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    There's no way for me to prove it's not sending serial numbers to the ATF, but I care about privacy too, so I'm using iOS data protection features to keep everything encrypted as long as your device is locked. The app doesn't send your data anywhere.
  5. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    Yeah I'm not happy with that interface either. I mostly use only a few types of ammo, so it doesn't bother me too much because I entered them once, and now I never go back there. Do other people use more than a few types of ammo?
  6. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    @SomeSoldier all your data is stored locally on your device. @MikeyCNY @S&W Fan Serial numbers are entirely optional. I like it there for my own records but you can leave it blank. Also, I have gotten feedback that some people like to have it in order to distinguish between guns of the same model.
  7. M

    New iOS App: Range Book

    I recently released an iOS app called Range Book to the App Store and I’m looking for some honest feedback. A bit of back story… a few months ago, in order to get a better idea on how my shooting was improving (or not), I decided to start tracking more detailed information about my visits to...