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  1. K

    Dianne Feinstein Dead at 90

    You beat me to it!
  2. K

    Gun Safes,- and their prices lately??? WTH

    Unfortunately the prices of everything has gone up to the point of being ridiculous.
  3. K

    All Things Lee Zeldin For Governor

    All kidding aside I don’t believe they are enough “RED” New Yorkers in the state anymore for a republican win, too many moved elsewhere. NY is doomed
  4. K

    All Things Lee Zeldin For Governor

    It was a good dream while it lasted.
  5. K

    Reloading 223 Vs. buying factory

    While i appreciate all the warnings of reloading for others the whole point of the thread was to illustrate the difference in cost of reloading or buying ammo. I haven’t purchased a lot of ammo or components in a while but I remember when $350.00 bought you a case of 1000 rounds of 223 and that...
  6. K

    Reloading 223 Vs. buying factory

    The someone at work is also a friend, I couldn’t charge a friend for my time and efforto. It’s a hobby I enjoy!
  7. K

    Reloading 223 Vs. buying factory

    Well someone from work asked for a favor, he would supply all the components, brass, primers, powder, and bullets and I would put them together with my progressive machine. Having not purchased ammo or reloading components in a while I decided to do some comparisons on reloading 223 or buying...
  8. K

    Where are we not allowed to concealed carry upstate?

    Kyle Rittenhouse and the Mccloscy’s (Minnesota husband and wife) were made examples of by overzealous prosecutors, don’t think that KH isn’t hoping to send a payback message at the cost of ruining a few lives
  9. K

    Biden approves broad student loan forgiveness

    Nothing more than buying votes with taxpayer dollars.
  10. K

    Biden approves broad student loan forgiveness

    How did you get screwed by Trump?
  11. K

    Will Trump get a Presidential library?

    I’m all for taxpayer funded secret service protection for former presidents but nothing else should be taxpayer funded such as libraries or office space. I’ve been saying that for years.
  12. K

    Shooting at Uvalde Texas elementary school

    In law enforcement the brainiac geeks do great on promotional exam and end up overthinking what should be common sense. I’m sure lower ranking LEO’s wanted to go in but were instructed not to.
  13. K

    Bush should just stick to painting

    Totally agree
  14. K

    Bush should just stick to painting Unbelievable slip of words, I still regret voting for this clown twice, can’t stomach these RINO’s. A lot of our problems were seeded while he was in office, patriot...
  15. K

    Supposedly the Supreme Court will over turn roe v wade

    The whole issue is a hot button that would be better off left alone, its chaos either way the pendulum swings. I’m pro life but think it’s a fair system the way it’s set up and as long as the rules are followed. I do not agree with late term abortion, federal, state or local funding of abortion...