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    Temporary Restaining Order Issued For Concealed Carry Improvement Act (merged thread)

    How is 4 character references different than the good moral character bit that was found to be a problem here?
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    Interesting approach to fixed magazine... (Fixed It For You (FIFY) Fixed Magazine Device) I guess this fixes a mag...
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    FPC sues NJ over AWB

    Anything going on with the NY SAFE act case? I was under the impression that the circuit court used the intermediate scrutiny to reject the previous lawsuits..?
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    Alec Baldwin Charged in “prop gun” shooting (Merged Threads)

    I wonder how much the wrongful death suit will fetch, AB is a rich guy, no? If the shoot really didnt have proper firearms safety and oversight, I doubt insurance would cover this.
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    Alec Baldwin Charged in “prop gun” shooting (Merged Threads)
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    Alec Baldwin Charged in “prop gun” shooting (Merged Threads)

    According to NPR reporting, this was a low budget production, and they did not have an armorer on site. There were complaints of unsafe environments filed by crew members that staged a walk off before the incident. Seeing that AB is also a producer, would he be liable for unsafe conditions and...
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    Off-duty Texas officer entered wrong apartment, shot and killed resident

    A Dallas police officer, who spoke with NBC 5 under the condition of anonymity, said the female officer was assigned to the department's elite Crime Response Team and had just finished a 14-hour shift serving warrants in high-crime areas. When she arrived home, she took the elevator to the 14th...
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    Teacher placed on leave after encouraging people to “report illegal aliens”

    Yeah, which part of "illegal" do they not understand?
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    NYSP Man Arrested For Attempting To Purchase Firearm !

    May be NICS came back DENY and police were called...?
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    Outraged citizens call for Cali senator to go to jail...

    I thought knowingly harboring illegals was illegal...
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    Daughter of top EU official raped and murdered in Germany - Afghan migrant admits killing

    Unfortunately, German prinsons are like hotels and inmates are treated very well... apparently inmates even get their own phones in their own cells!
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    SCOPE's FOIL request campaign? This is what you need?