lol last couple years they went to chi-raq believe it or not… who’d thought there was a market for that in Chicago of all places…
I didn’t send them myself I sold them to a re-wholesaler. I don’t have those connections (and don’t want them tbh)
We use a water wheel planter that pokes a hole in the plastic and ground underneath bit every clove is put in by hand by riding on the back of said planter, then covered by hand by someone else walking behind and reaching into the hole and pulling dirt over the clove. Hardneck garlic needs to be...
You have plenty of time, here in the Hudson valley I don’t start anything untill april5 then I reseed tomatoes and peppers may 10 then one last tomato planting albeit a small one june 5
Just get the all American 30 quart pressure canner and thank me later. 14 quarts at a time is the only way to go. Lots of ppl water bath tomato sauce and don’t die … I won’t do it tho.
If you want me to be honest I would take my harvest right freeze drier over canning as long as you feel...
Thanks ! Got 100 acres of field corn to bring in then Christmas trees. Then hopefully a nice Puerto Rico beach… been going 7 days a week since May , im ready for some down time. Was a good season despite the excessive rain. Probably made money lol. 6 months from now I’ll be starting all over...
First planting of corn is in , some potatoes planted (about 3800# of seed potato) that’s half. Waiting on Yukon and Red seed. Ran irrigation on a half acre of garlic that’s on gravelly ground because it’s dryer than a popcorn fart right now. ( the rest is on low heavy ground and should be fine)...
My two buddies swamped a canoe in Jamaica bay about 5 years ago the day after a blizzard in February. No pdf full coveralls and one had a backpack on full of tools. They were headed to a mooring where my one friend had a sailboat he was fixing up.
Friend one was able to get to another moored...
My son is going on an ROTC camping trip in June and we had to sign a healthcare proxy thing but it was very specific with a start date and end date.. it had to be notarized and everything.
I gota 500 gallon lp tank. ( two 1k gallon at the farm) but don’t know if I’m gonna wast my cooking gas on a shower. Got a 30 amp on the light tower diesel genny that’ll run my well and furnace but I’m thinking long term 1-2 years into teofwawki prolly be used to cold showers then… as for...
They pay for plenty while here. I took my guys to the bottle depot twice on my own time for free, to deposit over 200.00 worth of beer cans… Ya think they woulda bought me a sixer for my trouble..
I’ve told them many times that their pissing their money down the toilet every night but it just...
16.95 x60 hours ( 56 next year ) = 1017.00 a week. They are not liable for all the taxes us citizens are, plus rent let’s call it 250 (62 a week) a month plus let’s say 40.00 a week to and from shopping. And the cost to and from Mexico with associated fees 1500.00. (75 a week) ima leave out...
Ummm. Not really sure you’re getting this right… except maybe the farm stand part. All the apple farms I know use H2A visa workers, adverse effects wage is set at 16.95 this year plus you pay for them to come , pay their housing, provide transportation to go shopping and pay for them to go home...
I was stuck in traffic once on the Newburgh beacon bridge, a guy on a Harley next to me was open carrying had a biker jacket and all. I don’t recall if it was a NY plate to not but very visible sidearm.
Funny I have in-laws in SC and was traveling to Florida with a 5 day stop in SC
so I called the sheriff and asked how I should proceed with my pistol. I was told verbatim.. “ you can’t carry it, just leave it in your console or glove box out of sight. Loaded or unloaded” ( in a thick southern...
And honestly I’m not real focused on that maybe if I tried but at .59 a pound bananas are about the cheapest food you can buy..other than potatoes lol and I do know how to grow them haha
Oh I’ve never gotten fruit, I’m not even sure I’m growing fruiting varieties. They’re strictly ornamental for me. This will be my 4th year I’ve lost some and replaced them I’m up to 7 now. I think it would be tough to get fruit in NY ..
@Drinkthekoolaid you can get them at most higher end nurseries. Or you can get seedlings off Etsy. They like well drained but moist soil. Lots of nitrogen. In winter just throw them in the basement. If their too big just cut the whole stalk off about 18” from the base and it’ll grow back or grow...
Yea I know I thought about that before I hit post… really it’s just the truck. I wouldn’t share any other lifts and huge tire stories with the likes of you all…
I used treated wood for the main frame. Not sure how you feel about that for veggies. Maybe ues composit? My banana are ornamental so I don’t really care. Honestly I wouldn’t really worry about the new PT lumber anyway but some might. The trim is oak and hickory with 3 coating of toung oil
I have a MSR international which “ I believe but would need to refer to the manual” will burn white gas, kerosene, regular gasoline,
Also have a MSR pocket rocket butane stove that’s real easy but you gota carry the butane tanks
Apples are a whole other ball game… onions too on the muck soils. I will say tho for as much as those guys like to cry they seem to have a new truck every couple years and spend a few weeks in the Yucatán every winter…
what’s gonna kill the farming in NYS is the overtime. The migrants don’t...
I won’t drop and neither will my prices. Gonna have to bump everything up. Have to rename the farm to “take it or leave it farm” prices were good last year but fuel was crazy especially with the drought we had.
I guess ima give it another go this year… picked up another store ( same company new location) anybody retired and gota cdl? I could use a second driver july-October. Easy hours maybe 3-4 a day ?!?! Anyone ? lol I’m fucked …. Not adding anything new but doing 10% more on everything to supply...