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  1. F

    F/S Leupold Vari-X III 6.25-20x40mm E.F.R. Air Rifle Scope

    Leupold Vari-X III 6.25-20x40mm E.F.R. Air Rifle Scope. I picked this up used before my eyes couldn't see such a fine reticle. I never mounted it to any firearm. Has a few marks (see pics). For a 22, this is just shy of unparalleled. 1/29/2024 - Posted ... Will delete or mark 'done' if sold...
  2. F

    F/S .25 Stevens Rim Fire ammo

    Bump REDUCED $50
  3. F

    WTB MSR back sight & SKS 10 rnd fixed mag.

    I dug it up. Honestly, I don't remember how many rounds this one is...I think 10. Here's a few pics. Tiny rust spots. PM me if it looks like what you want. It doesn't mean much to me... Maybe a trade?
  4. F

    WTB MSR back sight & SKS 10 rnd fixed mag.

    Did you happen to find a fixed mag? I have one in my parts bin(s)...somewhere.
  5. F

    F/S .25 Stevens Rim Fire ammo

    32 rounds of .25 Stevens Rim Fire ammo. Includes the box, but it is in bad shape. REDUCED $50 I'm located about an hour south of Albany (12120) I'm located about an hour south of Albany (12120)
  6. F

    RPI Student Faces Deportation after Saratoga Weapons and Tactical calls FBI

    Written by the gun shop owner: "Since the media has gotten wind of this story now, we at SWAT would like to let everyone know that we are dedicated to the safety of everyone. As many of you know, we have a close working relationship with both State and Federal law enforcement agencies. Our...
  7. F

    Scans of Old/Vintage Shooting Targets?

    GunX, Thanks for the site. Already downloaded a few targets!
  8. F

    Xds mod2 mags

    When the XDs came out I was lucky enough to get to test them. My one major complaint was loading the mags. I started leaving one out. It was darn near impossible to fully load. The quick fix is to get a magazine loader (at least until the springs break in a bit). I bought the "UpLULA...