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  1. Tagfu222

    Gun Humor thread

    ! ]
  2. Tagfu222

    NY Embarrassment

    Big deal. I called NY for Clinton two years ago. But at least my vote helped show that not all downstate voters were hILLary drones. In other news, gun company stocks tumble on Trump win. sarc
  3. Tagfu222

    A fun little poll that I seriously could not answer

    A Hobama is on his way out C. Andy sucks but is mostly limited to us poor NY staters. There is freedom elswhere D. Diane is currently in the the minority and does not have mmuch influence B hILLary has massive national down side potential if eelected.
  4. Tagfu222

    Clinton Has A Meltdown

    Like the Wicked Witch of the West.
  5. Tagfu222

    Would you consider a survival shelter useful or a good idea?

    In the late 50s my father thought about getting a fallout shelter, until he found out the banks would loan you the money to build one. He figured if the people that ran the banks were willing to give you 20 years to pay for the shelter they were betting you wouldn't be needing it anytime soon...
  6. Tagfu222

    Michigan Dems introduce ‘assault weapon’ ban in state House

    "The bill would also empower the agency to conduct annual inspections of the gun to ensure safe storage." And how are they going to do that? The bill would also empower the agency to conduct annual inspections of the gun OWNER'S HOME to ensure safe storage. They will allow you to keep SOME...
  7. Tagfu222

    TRUMP sign thread ?

    I would not put a Trump sign on my car, I don't want it keyed. There are very few Trump signs around here, but even fewer hILLary ones.
  8. Tagfu222

    Poll: If you could change one aspect of the current NYS Gun Laws..

    The "one feature" makes it an "assault weapon" part of the law.
  9. Tagfu222

    New here, not elsewhere

    New here, my name and picture are the same as elswhere, but now I am a BB I guess I am eligible for the "Military Badge", USMC 1968-1971, Vietnsm 68-69