50 acres of tomatoes is a whole other level.
We raise 40 +\- different crops on 500 acres but only about 200 of that is in produce. The rest is in hay and grain.
:idk: Whatchagonnado?
actually we direct seed zucchini on plastic beds. The holes get made with a water wheel planter then the seeds are dropped and covered by hand. So spacing is only off if one doesn’t come up. ( average is 5 per row )
I will admit to my rows sometimes being wavy and I blame...
Ok here’s one. Mob of protesters comes down your street. Being a country loving patriot you have old glory flying in the front yard.
Mob enters your yard, takes down the flag and is attempting to set fire to it.
I know this isn’t what happened to them but I think it’s an appropriate...
Yup we have 2 hose reels. A few miles of 6” underground with hydrants. And probably 10 miles worth of aluminum 4 and 5” field set pipe in 30’ lengths. 6, 6 cylinder diesel John deer turbo pumps as well as several drip systems.
your not in this game without irrigation
Haha my son has worn a Hawaiian shirt for his school picture since 2nd grade. Wife actually bought kids small through men’s medium so he could always have the same one
I will say when we we’re dating she was a bartender. One night I shit you not she leaps over the bar and drags a grown man out the front door by his collar for spitting on, in her words “ my motherfucking floor”
I have always said if we end up in a shtf life I’ll end up dying, not from starvation or fending off looters, or some simple infection But from my wife running her mouth to the wrong person and me needing to come to her defense and getting taken out.
Tomatoes are in let’s hope the cold is done 2600 plants for the first planting, another 2600 seeded in the greenhouse, 900 waiting to be seeded June 15... also first planting of eggplant, cabbage and kale in. Peas are up potatoes are up and first planting of sweet corn is up( second is sprouted...
I gota say I’m pretty freaked out by that backpack speaker thing barking directives. Same with those talking drones.. that is some crazy sky net shit right there.
Gives me the hebe gebes.
Well with everyone not working, the assholes on 4wheelers have really been tearing up the fields.
tore up a 20 acre piece of oats we planted a couple weeks ago. And toured through 6 hay fields. People have no respect....
KS7 was at PSA in Greenville and it was on sale. Couldn’t resist. Went to buy it and the clerk took my license, came back and said he couldn’t sell any firearms to nys residents.
I almost didn’t cause I was mad but it was 50$ off so I ordered it online. This color too, kinda looks cool.