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  1. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    Does the 1959 date on my NRA Junior patch suggest a new gun owner? What were you doing in 1959? My State Senator is Dan Stec, probably the most pro-gun member in the state legislature, & I'm on his mailing list. What I haven't read here is any report of a test case of this restriction, or...
  2. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    Then he shouldn't be peddling his product on ebay, because the vast majority of ebay merchants DO without argument ship USPS. Many private housing developments are not served by USPS, so residents have no choice but to use a PO box. If ever there was a dead duck in this country, it's "the...
  3. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    You're right, but if you're looking for scarce, collectable, items, you can't just "buy them somewhere else." New stuff, other than ammo, I have no interest in.
  4. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    That's one (rather brazen) manufacturer who went out of his way to draw attention to his products of questionable legality. What is your evidence that EVERY kind of gun part will henceforth be rejected by UPS? God knows I'm no defender of UPS, which I HATE for many reasons! Right now I'm in a...
  5. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    UPS doesn't restrict destruction to gun-parts--they're an "equal-opportunity" destroyer of any parcel entrusted to their "care."
  6. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    Tell THAT to the gutless anti-gun collaborators who voluntarily submit to NYS restrictions!
  7. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    That court would have to sit in the home-state of the shipper. How could that court claim jurisdiction over a "crime" that occurred in another state? That's why I asked if there might be some federal legislation that superseded state laws.
  8. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    Can you provide ONE example of an out-of-state ammo seller sued by NYS?
  9. clarence

    What about the Semi-auto rifle license?

    They're FAHs, because they don't have "to deal with NY laws," excepting those applying to "assault rifles." I often see that refusal in Gunbroker listings, & when I've asked "why?", their answer is no response.
  10. clarence

    What about the Semi-auto rifle license?

    Doing that requires time & abilities that not everyone possess, but EVERY NY gun-owner can support NYSRPA with their check-book. If there's any hope of resisting the anti-gun jehad of NY's Gun-Hater-In-Chief, the job will fall to NYSRPA.
  11. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    I assure you I DO. But I still want to know why the others, the ones collaborating with the gun-haters of NYS, don't.
  12. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    What appears to me to make these cases different are the regulations applicable to firearms shipments, but not to ammo. What are the legal grounds for these suits, if you know--violating ATF regs, or what?
  13. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    I don't understand how it would be possible to file even a nuisance suit against a company that has broken no law in their state. The court in which it was filed would have no choice but to throw it out. Can the Texas AG prosecute MDs providing abortions in NYS? Or if such an MD visited Texas...
  14. clarence

    Out of state ammo shipments into NYS.

    Out of state ammo dealers break no laws in their own jurisdictions by shipping to NY residents. So why do most refuse to do so, other than ass-kissing cowardice? Is there a federal interstate commerce regulation they would violate by doing so? If our "friends" in the gun-world are cooperating...