Search results

  1. Bruce_Sloane

    Teen arrested in first violation of New York county's controversial mask ban

    I was denied Service by several establishments at the crest of the Mask thingy I died And Got _2500 each occurrence.
  2. Bruce_Sloane

    Upcoming Gun Shows

    I used to attend the Phi Get n Collectors Show near Dayto Oh. 200-250 tables No Junk Stickers etc. Ball guns
  3. Bruce_Sloane

    Domestic dispute results in arrest for unregistered pistol

    You have jot seen my ex girlfriend then. ,,,,
  4. Bruce_Sloane

    Domestic dispute results in arrest for unregistered pistol

    He did great untill 17 Was a tough little dog
  5. Bruce_Sloane

    Domestic dispute results in arrest for unregistered pistol

    Been there Ended up sleeping in my truck with a 19 year old dog.
  6. Bruce_Sloane

    New York Judge Rules Without Trial, Jury or Verdict, That President Trump Must Dissolve All Business Interests in State

    " your" Biz Entity exists at the grace of the STATE they can do that Obipysly he will just Sell and still control such
  7. Bruce_Sloane

    New York Judge Rules Without Trial, Jury or Verdict, That President Trump Must Dissolve All Business Interests in State

    " your" Biz Entity exists at the grace of the STATE they can do that Obipysly he will just Sell and still control such
  8. Bruce_Sloane


    Perhaps one should choose not to engage in Commercial activity known as " farming".
  9. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    It's the hairline I surmise.
  10. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Just another way to drive gun dealers out of biz
  11. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I have a Marlin Camp 9 Riflw ...
  12. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I used to purchase ammo at Western Auto when I was 13 Mom sat in the car.
  13. Bruce_Sloane

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    When my Wife started acting up I tmrwmoved my guns to a gang box in the garage That's why I still have most of them.
  14. Bruce_Sloane

    NYS Gunshop Inspections by SP

    My first .22 came from Western Auto.
  15. Bruce_Sloane

    Carbine training Rochester area?

    Marine Corp provided my Training.
  16. Bruce_Sloane

    Upcoming Gun Shows

    Went many years Spent a good amount of money there
  17. Bruce_Sloane

    Best chefs knife to buy?

    Fantastic Job.
  18. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Thank You Willis.. Someday my stalker will go away Today would be good. ,
  19. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Where the FUKK did " Sovereign Citizen" come from fukkwit ?? An person of reasonable intelligence would realize that is an oxymoron Of course ... The " moron" part may fit Try it on.
  20. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    QUOTE="VietnamEraVet, post: 1329958, member: 31"] Forget it. He thinks he's the smartest person in the room; a bigger wordsmith than slick Willy was with his "that depends on what the meaning of is is" crap; he's a know it all, - don't you know? Spent some 24 years at legal stuff What's your...
  21. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Spend time at legal research pudd I have done my homework 20 years ago Want more info ?? I charge $600/ hr Dig in your mattress.
  22. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    I moved my Tax Base to Florida FUKH
  23. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    GFYS eh? Use a sharp stick please
  24. Bruce_Sloane

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    If 4 friends and I throw that Fee in the Gas Tank We can get to Pennsy That's the plan This works great for _"this STATE" AS it puts a further hurting on small dealers cashflow
  25. Bruce_Sloane

    Current gun bills in NY Assembly and Senate.

    Fukk NYS That's why I moved my Tax Base to Florida Many NYers have You do not have to live there to do so.
  26. Bruce_Sloane

    Another CIA Scandal

    I also worked at Plum Island 10 miles off the coast of NYC Why not do Anthrax research there? ??
  27. Bruce_Sloane

    Another CIA Scandal

    Years ago I posted a Map showing the cluster of first Cases around Ft Dietrich Maryland Then Wuhan Why the fukk would the US pay China to do virology research Oooohhh No Regulations.
  28. Bruce_Sloane

    Civil Rights veteran says push for reparations about Dems keeping the black vote

    I am a substantial amount Senrca andYudcarorah You all ate living on MY HERITAGES Where talk about my Money ??