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  1. Jbbobcat

    F/S 36 x 28 gauge shotgun shells - $10.00

    Do you still have these shells ???? A friend of mine is interested.. His email address at He's up in Afton NY for the weekend.,. He will be going home Monday or Tuesday.. He lives down on the island.. Thanks
  2. Jbbobcat

    New York bill would lower state hunting license age.

    If it passes both me and my brother will not have to hunt Pa like we did when our kids turned 12
  3. Jbbobcat

    New York bill would lower state hunting license age.

    If it passes If it passes me and my brother will not have to hunt Pa with the grandkids like we did when are kids turned 12
  4. Jbbobcat

    Wtb 303 British cartridges

  5. Jbbobcat

    Wtb 303 British cartridges

    I want to buy a partial box of 303 British cartridges
  6. Jbbobcat

    Camden Rod & Gun Club Annual Raffle - month of June

    Okay I'm going to go to town tomorrow.. I'll send you out a money order.. And send out I'm going to send you a money order.. What address should I send too
  7. Jbbobcat

    Camden Rod & Gun Club Annual Raffle - month of June

    Do you still have any tickets ??? If so please let me know As I would be interested in a couple.. Thanks Jbbobcat