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  1. Brawny71

    Trolling/fishing with dipsy divers

    I liked mine. You can get several depths according to size of lip and amount of line. Great supplement to my down/out riggers.
  2. Brawny71

    Trump just signed an EO protecting the 2a!

    Moving someplace new doesn’t affect the tyrant; only the Freeman.
  3. Brawny71

    WTB Thordsen FRS15 Gen II or III

    Have you checked into the Kali-Keys at all. Keeps you from having the change anything. Also: F/S - Thordsen Gen 2.
  4. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    You are correct on Murdock. Now, the other two references. The Liberty I refer to is the ability and ready access to facilitate self protection and feeling of safety. The discrimination of color I refer to is attacking (again) one demographic which as shown no cause to be attacked. None of...
  5. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 "No state shall convert a liberty into a license, and charge a fee therefore". Murdock v. Pennsylvania, 319 U.S. 105 (1943) Shuttlesworth v. City of Birmingham Alabama, 373 U.S. 262 "If the State converts a right (Liberty) into a privilege, the citizen can...
  6. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    Well, the Village board made this happen. Not sure I would punish all businesses ….YET. Now if the people of the village do not come to the aid of the affected small businesses and go to the board and demand correction….well that may be another thing. Perhaps they don’t need consideration.
  7. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    Not directly. But there are interpretations which find that restricting or blocking access and availability is a method of restricting the individual resources right. Like over taxing, over licensing, unclear legislation…..
  8. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    The rights of the already established businesses within the zone were violated I think. And their insurance, if grandfathered, Will take yet another jump.
  9. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    I would. Let the Village get what they paid for. Apparently they want to isolate and discriminate. I’m sure they will prosper. Honestly, if the populace allows this, they get what they get.
  10. Brawny71

    Village of Babylon prohibits sale of guns & ammo

    Wow! There are gun stores there! Someone should own the Village soon.
  11. Brawny71

    Alec Baldwin Case dismissed In Fatal ‘Rust’ Shooting

    His new “Reality Show” covers his….PTSD… from what happened during the Rust shooting. You know, the gun going rogue and firing itself and loading itself with live rounds. Because he DIDN’T squeeze the trigger….of the SA revolver. And his “Armorer” was the best in field and didn’t go...
  12. Brawny71

    Listening Devices Found in Oval Office—President’s Desk Removed for Security Scan

    Not disagreeing at all. But is there a source saying there actually was a bug found? “Source” of course.
  13. Brawny71

    Listening Devices Found in Oval Office—President’s Desk Removed for Security Scan

    Botted again.
  14. Brawny71

    Listening Devices Found in Oval Office—President’s Desk Removed for Security Scan

    Just one of many examples during that period. Hot and cold running hookers and so many other encroachments to what used to be the most secure area in the US.
  15. Brawny71

    Listening Devices Found in Oval Office—President’s Desk Removed for Security Scan

    I’m shocked!! How can anything get in the WH undetected or off video. First time that’s been an issue in the past five years. [sarcasm inserted]. Dropped standards and systems has effects. And here we are.
  16. Brawny71

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    In charge; able to direct. Having a strong, proactive group is a plus now. Non-existent got us here. As I said, real discussion is the beginning.
  17. Brawny71

    Things are heating up in the Donbass

    Played? I doubt it. But it is the beginning of getting to the right place. What real attempts have been done since sitting still and allowing it to take place? “Don’t” worked really well I think. Knowing what one side expects and is willing to do is 50%. I understand Zalinski’s anxiety as...
  18. Brawny71

    DOGE thread

    If a company is losing money, can’t/ won’t self correct; what happens? It collapses, is taken over, or you bring in an outside consultant to help you see and fix hard issues. The latter is the only option for our Country. When was the last budget approved again. You know the required thing the...
  19. Brawny71

    President Trump announces the United States will Take over and Own Gaza

    Exactly. Everything he has said lately is to the extreme side and all of them have been settled….WITH NO COST TO THE US. It is business 101; drop a quote that shakes them up, they react, get what you intended in the beginning. Do you think Egypt or Iran want the US in the middle? Heck no...
  20. Brawny71

    THE ADVENTURES OF THE 47TH PRESIDENT.... Not sure if this was posted yet. UPDATE: Ok, I see it is posted. If you have comments and recommendations, the White House does have a contact link that is pretty easy to use. Contact Us
  21. Brawny71

    Justice Department warns of 'potential prosecution' after NY sheriff released migrant

    Well, good news. In the State of New York that constitutes assault and a good LEO can find additional charges to add since there was a use of an object. Harrassment and a few others could be add ons as well. If a mention of your sexuality was mentioned; consider hate crime and others.
  22. Brawny71

    Justice Department warns of 'potential prosecution' after NY sheriff released migrant

    The majority of the Country I don’t think the majority of working class folks would mind and would even applaud. The push back is from the elite class and academics who are only interested in the Feel Good vibe.
  23. Brawny71

    Justice Department warns of 'potential prosecution' after NY sheriff released migrant

    Tom should put on the cuffs, Kristi reading the Moranda warnings. Nevermind filming.
  24. Brawny71

    .357 Revolvers

    I love my SW model 28 and 65-3.
  25. Brawny71

    Republican Lawmakers Urge President Trump to Release “Epstein Files”

    So an admitted co-conspirator AND witness….
  26. Brawny71

    Thanks for SAGA Second Amendment Guarantee Act

    The NYS constitution has the same word reiterated.
  27. Brawny71

    Republican Lawmakers Urge President Trump to Release “Epstein Files”

    Perhaps, but waiting = shredding opportunity
  28. Brawny71


    Look, We all have a right to the pursuit of happiness and to feel safe. But a line needs to be defined. You trapped in the wrong body and are an adult; there is a procedure. Commit and follow it. At the end, when complete, I don’t care which prison you go to or which bathroom. But commit...
  29. Brawny71


    His turn to be demonized….again. Nothing of substance just a quick screen grab at the right time (like you could do with anyone at this point) and make it a thing. The words and misdirection/ focus 2016-2020 SHOULD have shown the people how self centered the elected officials are. But here we...
  30. Brawny71

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Recommend it to them. I also thought there was a clause that if you paid for ammo to be used on the range or club a background was not required.
  31. Brawny71

    Ammo background checks to begin mid-September?

    Most of the range changes are due to ammo (steel inserts and the like) being used at ranges and causing damage. Some have also moved to flangable rounds due to hazmat costs.
  32. Brawny71

    Reloader powder storage and law

    Privately; no not yet
  33. Brawny71

    $350 for 18 Hour CCW Class (Queens, NY)

    There is a clause in the law stating that if a range isn’t available (No they don’t specify) simulation and systems that fire projectiles can be used.
  34. Brawny71

    Pro-Trump Georgia Senator Moore was thrown to the ground and arrested for attempting to enter the Georgia House Chamber

    It has become common to selectively apply law and selectively Ignore it. We need to go back to center on that. If elected or hired for service I believe it is still part of the oath.
  35. Brawny71

    NYS now admits wind and solar can’t handle the electrical needs and is looking a nuclear power

    Hey the 70’s called and want their ideas back. Nuke has been discussed for a long time from the other side of the Green discussion.
  36. Brawny71

    Hochul to introduce new free associates degree plan for in demand fields

    “…IF done properly…”. Preach it and preach it loud for the elected in the back. You are right. I would have no issue to assist people to meet a critical need in local communities and keep them in communities needing the work.
  37. Brawny71

    Hochul to introduce new free associates degree plan for in demand fields

    I like you; an optimist. I expect this will be used by plenty and the public will get zero service from it.
  38. Brawny71

    Hochul to introduce new free associates degree plan for in demand fields

    Free? How does that happen? I’m sure the school still gets paid; with your taxes. I do hope they put a requirement of X years in an area that needs you to go to and work. Otherwise what stops them from grabbing their degree and going to North Dakota where they treat their folks well?
  39. Brawny71

    Dry Firing Practice- Boring!!

    I use the LASR system with inserts. I also use it to start the boresight on guns I install Optics on. Great for drills. After my workout all tired and adrenalized I do drills. I can use it for my pistols and rifles. When it’s -45 sure is nice. It is also a nice crawl, walk, run phase for my...
  40. Brawny71

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    That is what I’ve been told as well. Not sure how I triggered that. State data bases are prohibited by the FOPA and have been since 1975.
  41. Brawny71

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    The judge at each county level (because above county would be violation of the FOPA) is the authority. SOME are taking it to the next level. We had one up our way who wouldn’t approve any. You’re right, going the extra distance for this, but not getting things to court that actually happened...
  42. Brawny71

    Firearms in Movies I guess not NEWS BUT.....a New TERM

    Gun violence, Assault Rifle…. Yeah, words matter I guess. The pic above was one; Trench gun. GWOT brought out the 12G with a modified muzzle that was used for door hinges for a while.
  43. Brawny71

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    Sounds like he needs a good lawyer. The NYSP is the proponent of the three year background check; because the legislature passed a requirement with no resourcing. He submitted and was given a validation by them; which he can print from their website. Although there may have been a lapse, they...
  44. Brawny71

    Recert repercussions? (Pistol permit)

    Even the ATF sends you a reminder WITH the PREFILLED form to update your FFL.
  45. Brawny71

    Can Trump declare a NATIONAL EMERGENCY ?

    Agree. I think it is a good step as well to allow families and states to sue for NOT enforcing law. My hope is they allow them to sue down to the creators of these abortions of policy . May even get “Them” to focus the n them and avoid big wd40 crap.
  46. Brawny71

    NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Responds to Subway Safety Concerns: Crime Surge ‘Cannot Continue’

    Much like Patterson. The #2 is never selected for function. Well, except the current out going VP of course…..[sarcasm emoji]
  47. Brawny71

    NY Gov. Kathy Hochul Responds to Subway Safety Concerns: Crime Surge ‘Cannot Continue’

    In relation to the thread subject: Has she been pulled into False Narrative? The last I heard Fox News and the GOP was exaggerating the “Crime Issue”. Did I miss a memo or two?